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6:15am dorm room

Iris Jolted upright to the sound of Sydney in the shower. She looked to her left to see Pansy had already left, most likely downstairs in the common room, trying to flirt with Malfoy.
Out of all the Slytherins her and Syd were going to try and befriend, she had already decided that Malfoy should not be one. For starters, he was a Judgemental prick, screaming at mudbloods and quite frankly anyone who wasn't a claimed Slytherin house member.
His family was high up in the ministry due to his high pure blood status, he was wealthy too. Sort of things that would almost make you dislike a person. Almost.

His dad was also a rumoured deatheater although nobody really seemed to speak of it. Especially with Malfoy's temper. The only reason she seemed to know so much about him was because firstly it was Malfoy, the whole school knew his name, and secondly Pansy, who had become obsessed with the boy since third year. Malfoy was known in the Slytherin house as a player, Iris didn't think there was a Slytherin pure blood who he hadn't fucked. He certainly wouldn't go near a half blood like Iris.

She gulped and averted her thoughts to another known Slytherin, Blaise, Malfoy's best friend, who she had noted Syd had once called attractive. He seemed ok, he was rather gorgeous, although also seemed to follow Malfoy everywhere he went.
Pansy was close friends with both Draco and Blaise, Also Gregory Goyle. Another one of Draco's minions. Astoria Greengrass though was Pansys closest girl-friend, although her and Syd had always noticed some strange sort of competition between the pair.

Iris took a sip of water. Nope. These people were definitely ones who they did not want to get involved with in their new quest for a few more people to socialise with or for lack of a better term, get fuck faced with in the final year of hogwarts.

Iris slid out of her bed and pushed past Sydney as she walked out of the shower in her fluffy robe. "Morningggg." Iris nodded towards Sydney. "Morning to you too. Seventh year here we come." She sleepily laughed back. Iris then continued to quickly jump in the shower and brush her teeth before picking her outfit for the day. She had to make a good impression on the first day back. People might not remember then that she had spent the whole of last term in sweatpants.

Iris brushed though her shiny blonde hair and gave it a quick dry before continuing to choose an outfit. She picked out a short black tennis skirt, knee high socks and a black cropped tank top. She did admit it was a little revealing for the first day but, fuck it, her black robe would cover her shoulders at least and keep her a little warmer in Snape's freezing potion class.

Iris pushed some mascara through her long lashes and some bronzer to her already tanned cheeks.
"Ahh loving the outfit." Syd smiled looking her up and down.
"Way to start the year off right."
Syd exclaimed as she pulled up her pencil skirt. Iris watched her brush though her black locks and curl her eyelashes.

"God can't believe it's seventh year already."
Iris smiled at her friend, who when she looked at she could still see that bright beaming first year who she first locked eyes with on the train. Syd grinned back. "Could do with a fag though."
Iris rolled her eyes with a smile.

And with that Iris followed Syd down to the great hall for some breakfast.

8:30am potions class

Iris sat tapping her long dark green painted nails against the table, dozing in an out of whatever the fuck Snape was talking about. She was clever, when she made an effort, but she barely did nowadays. She thought she might make some effort in her seventh year but her priorities had already seemed to change within 20 minutes of being sat in the class.
Sydney was even worse, she had written absolutely nothing down in the last half an hour and nor did she intent too. Pointless in her opinion.

Iris looked to the tables across from her where Malfoy and Blaise sat as they laughed to each other and Snape clearly seemed to ignore them. Malfoy reached his arm and leaned back to the table behind him, where Pansy and Astoria were sat, and made some sort of Joke with a sneer, although Iris couldn't make out what he had said. She couldn't help but notice his toned arms as he reached back round to face forward, he was tall and his back certainly looked, appealing though his shirt, Iris thought as she tilted her head.
But as soon enough as the thought lingered, she snapped back to reality and onto the dull drown of Snape's voice.

By the end of the lesson, Iris was already ready for the next two hours of free study, also known as 'sit and do fuck all' hours. It was a shame Syd had transfigurations though.
"See you in a bit Iris." Syd sighed as she slipped off to transfigurations with her fellow Slytherin Sienna. Which left Iris to pack up slowly and find something to spend her next few hours doing.
As she walked out the classroom, looking down at her feet as she walked, she felt a hard shove into her side and the books she was holding fell sporadically out onto the floor.

She looked to her side to see Malfoy, looking rather pleased with himself, as he nastily smirked at her.
"Better pick those up princess."
He hissed into her ear.
It certainly took Iris by surprise, and she could smell his musky mainly scent, with hints of peppermint, it was the sort of scent you could get lost in. She tried to keep her cool as she rolled her eyes at him and bent down to pick up her books.
"Nice view."
Malfoy smirked at her as she did, and as her black skirt rose a little higher. A blush of red formed on her cheeks and she stood back up.

"Shut it Malfoy."
"Ooooh she speaks." He laughed before continuing.
"Just don't get in my fucking way again. I don't know what makes you think you're ok to even come anywhere near me."
"Trust me." Iris hissed quietly,
"I didn't want too."
And with a scowl, Draco walked away, leaving Iris annoyed at the interaction, but also pondering on that musty mainly smell she somewhat craved. She watched him walk away before slowly following on, she certainly didn't want to be anywhere near him anytime soon.

What a great start to her Seventh year, pissing off Draco Malfoy.

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