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A few weeks later
5:30pm Alnerwick

A couple of weeks had passed and Iris was sat on Sydney's bedroom floor helping her pack. Syd was packing her things because in only a few days Hogwarts were opening the doors once again and welcoming those who wanted to, back for a eighth year.

Syd had tried hundreds of times now to convince Iris to join her, and she really really wanted too. There was just one problem though of course; Draco.
Draco still wasn't keen on the idea. A large part of him wanted to go back but also a part of him was dreading going back to the place he was forced to fight with a side he didn't really believe in.
Draco didn't feel welcome at Hogwarts any longer, and although the letters didn't specify and welcomed everybody, she did understand his thought process.

He was a retired Deatheater from a powerful pureblood family that had bought their way out of Azkaban sentences.
His family's business had been posted in the press for the entire summer, most of it particularly bad. No one found it surprising that he didn't want to be surrounded by the students and teachers that were directly effected by the actions of him and his family. As much as Iris tried to convince him that the sides no longer existed, the whole idea was difficult to comprehend.

Syd was sighing purposefully louder every time she folded a new item into her suitcase.
"Do it the magical way."
Iris huffed, hugging her knees.
"I prefer it like this." Sydney shrugged, avoiding the eye contact of her best friend that was clearly in a bad mood.
Iris flicked her wand and Sydney's suitcase snapped itself up. Syd looked up and raised her eyebrows with a tilt of her head.
"All the folding was rather annoying." Iris scoffed.

Syd rolled her eyes at her best friend and stood up, hands firmly on her hips.
"Speak." She demanded.
"What's bothering you?"

Iris tucked her hair behind her ears and sighed.
"I want to come. I want to go back to Hogwarts."

"I know- but Draco won't and it's soooo terrible because you don't want to leave him and you want to finish your N.E.W.T.S-

"Alright I get it." Iris snapped, "I've told you already."

"My point is, if you really want to come, which I would love you too by the way, then do something about it! Stand up to Draco, have it out with him, make him believe that Hogwarts is the right step. For both of you- not just you."

Iris huffed. "Easier said than done. I've been trying all this week and he's fairly set in his ways."

Sydney plonked herself back down next to Iris, her hand rubbing along her back.
"Give it another try. Or go alone."
Iris shook her head, "Not alone. But I'll keep trying."

"You haven't got long."

Iris nodded, perhaps she would attempt another conversation with him about it tonight.
She raised her eyebrows, "And I'm assuming Longbottom will be returning?"

Syd grinned. "We haven't really spoke about it."

"Oh you fucking liar!"


By the time Iris had got home that night she felt it too late to bring up the conversation. She clambered into bed beside Draco and snuggled upon his chest, his hands in her hair.
She would say something tomorrow, for certain.

For now she lay wide awake, silent.

11:15am Alnerwick


Draco shook his head, mouth full with toast.

"What do you mean no? You don't even know what I'm going to say." Iris raised her eyebrows, sleepy eyes and plaited hair. Hands fumbling around her warm coffee mug.

"Yes but I know what that kind of sooo leads too, you're asking for something that usually cannot be facilitated."
Draco laughed slightly, he could read her like a book.
The sun streamed through the curtains into the kitchen and she tilted her head, with all intention of carrying on. She wanted to join Sydney in her eighth year of Hogwarts.

"Sydney's going-
"I know."
"And I want to join-
"I know."

Draco smirked and stood up, making his way towards the stairs.

"I've changed my decision Banks, we're going."

He continued up the stairs and Iris turned back around to face the table, a flush of excitement across her cheeks. She grinned to herself. Success.
Plus she didn't need to do anymore convincing.

Trying not to draw to much attention to the change in decision for fear of Draco changing his mind, she collected her thoughts and followed him up the stairs, her smile still lingering.
Reaching under the bed for her suitcase, she giggled at his smirk.

"What made you change your mind?"

Draco raised his eyebrows, "Probably the thought of me fingering you under the table in potions class."

"No, really."

He shrugged, because there wasn't really an answer. Perhaps Iris' nagging about wanting to join her best friend had worked, or perhaps despite Draco always being unsure of returning had never really mattered that much in the first place. Because she wanted to go and really that was the most important factor.

"You wanted to go, so we go."
He concluded before continuing.
"Plus I would be stupid to deny the girl that gives the best head I've ever received in my life."
He smirked and she reached for a pillow, whacking him around the side with a laugh.
He grinned, and she grinned back.

Maybe because it seemed a little normal again. Going back to Hogwarts would be interesting to say the least, especially with merely a day to prepare, but they both secretly prayed to themselves that it wouldn't have changed much.
The same boring lessons, boring teachers, same pissing griffindors to answer all the questions.
The truth was, they loved all of it. But it would be stupid to suggest the trauma of war wouldn't effect the atmosphere at the school.
They had hope though, for normalcy.

Iris slipped a lilac cardigan around her shoulders and gave Draco a kiss on the cheek before excusing herself to visit Andromeda.
She wanted to let her know and thank her for everything, and she knew Draco would prefer to make no big deals of things.
But how could she not thank Ana when she'd practically saved their lives?

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