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7:35pm Malfoy's dorm

In that moment all he could think of was her, touching her, kissing her.
Punishing her for being like this.
He pushed her roughly against his wall and pounced at her wrists slamming them into the cold stone wall above her head.

"I did it for your own fucking good."
He breathed into her ear.
"And Pansy?" She whispered back, her eyes filling up as she looked into his narrowed eyes and intense frown.
"She means fuck all. Nothing even happened."
His face was red with anger.

"Just let me have this one."
His breath in her ear made her hairs stand on edge, and a wildly shiver consume her body.
He watched her eyes surrender under his glare and he dipped down for another suck on her honey glazed lips.

She melted into him, with such ease it was almost unnatural. Her hands felt the way up his back, enjoying every inch of his skin beneath the tips of her fingers.
He lifted her jumper up over her head and began to feel at her through her vest top, their lips staying plastered against each other.
To him it was like she was the drug he needed to finally see this cruel world for what it was. She made him for once in his life realise how unfair it was and her warm fingernails trailing up and down against his back ignited a feeling of protection over her.
He wished he could stay there forever.

She moaned softly into his ear as he lifted off her top and unclasped her bra slowly. His hands squeezed at her breast, before his mouth followed, teasing at her nipples with his tongue. He left a trail of purple bruises from her neck down to her breasts.
She looked so beautiful. Eyes glossy from their argument, hair wild, lips swollen from his tender kisses, red faced from the passion, or maybe even the anger she had previously felt.

Squeezing at her had never felt so natural, he didn't want to leave any part of her that hadn't been touched. He kissed at her hand, up her arm, over her neck, his arms holding her breasts tightly and teasing at her nipples.
He lifted her up from against the wall and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands in his hair, then at this face, then trailing down his back again.
He walked with her around him and slammed her down onto his bed. Kissing down from her waist, he edged to the waistband of her leggings and pulled them down slowly, trailing his fingers down each of her legs, until they dropped onto the floor with a soft thud.

Taking a moment to admire her, she stared back at him eagerly, her eyes wide with lust, her body naked and desperate to be touched.
Eyeing over her curves, he felt himself get harder.
He pushed her legs open wide and stared into her delicious insides, dripping with her sweet nectar he had craved ever since he had tasted it for the first time.
Dipping his head down, he began to work on her. His used just his mouth as his manly hands tightened around her legs, pushing them down onto the bed, to leave her as open as possible, and vulnerable to his touch.
He focused his tongue on her clit first, and she groaned with pleasure as he added pressure to her most sensitive spots.
How was it that he already knew her body inside out?

He continued to work on her as she moaned and groaned to the soft sensation of his tongue lapping up her insides.
Just as she became close and her breathing quickened, he pulled his tongue out and released her legs from his tight grip.
"Please.... keep going Draco."
She moaned as he began kissing on her neck again, his body weight on top of her felt natural and his muscular physique swallowed her body up, her breasts pressing up against his chest.

"Do you want to feel me inside you Iris." He breathed locking into her eyes.
"Yes what?"
"Yes daddy."
"I want you to plead for me darling. Want you to beg for me. Beg me to fuck you."
Her parted lips moaned softly with frustration as she craved him pounding inside of her.

"Fuck me Draco. Please. I need you."

He began undoing his belt as Iris watched him, her eyes wide.
He pushed her hands above her head and used his belt to lock her wrists together pulling his belt tight so that she would be unable to move.
Although it left her feeling vulnerable under his touch, his hands caressed and comforted her in such a way she felt the inside of her legs begin to dampen further.
With her hands locked above her head she was his. Lapping her up he moved his boxers down and she watched wide eyed as his hard cock sat up towards his stomach.

She was still mesmerised at how big he was. He pushed his hair back and watched as she eyed at his cock, gulping and bucking her hips up towards him.
"Do you want it?"
He snapped with a whispered tone as he leaned forward into her ear.
"Do you want to feel it?"
He began rubbing at himself as she watched eagerly licking at her swollen lips.

"Let me." She reached her hands up and they locked as the belt tightened itself around them, she rested them back above her head with defeat and he smirked with a laugh as he watched her.
Continuing to rub himself, he watched her naked body squirm beneath him. To get closer.
"I think you're ready to take me." He smirked.

"Don't worry. I'll go easy on you."

Iris breathed as she watched him slowly insert himself into her, he let out a growl of a moan as he did, and her walls clenched around him with only a few inches of him inside her.
He pushed in further, but slowly, giving her a chance to get used to his length.
Moans escaped her mouth loudly as he slowly edged further into her with each stroke. He rested his hands on her breast, her hands still tightened together above her head.

He continued to speed up and smirk as she winced and moaned under him, a perfect combination of pleasure with pain. Just how she had imagined.
He pumped his cock into her faster and faster, and her walls clenched around him, she was so tight, and he fit into her perfectly, they just slotted together as he continued to pump into her.
"Take it from behind ... like a good girl."
He breathed trying to catch up with his breath, he flipped her small body around with ease, her hands still locked together. She arched her back so he could slot into her easily.

Resting his hands on her hips he admired the view before sliding himself back in. He could go further like this, reach apart of her he hadn't quite before. She moaned and winced with pain as his steady rhythm began to speed up.
"Your doing so well for me Princess."
He breathed. She squirmed as she moaned,
"I'm going to cum Draco."
With that he flipped her back around, her arms still trapped above her head, and he began to pull in and out of her quicker and quicker.
"Together?" He breathed millimetres away from her face.

With a final pump of energy Draco let out a loud moan and released himself inside of her. She moaned along with him, and reached a climax she could only imagine possible in movies. Pleasure poured through her, from her fingertips down to her toes. And she tightened her toes with pleasure as she continued to orgasm and he breathed down onto her, still inside her, his muscular arms holding himself up over her.
His cum felt so good inside her, and as he pulled himself out it dripped out of her and over her legs. He wiped his fingers over her dripping heat and up to her mouth, before forcing her mouth open and sliding his fingers inside.
She sucked obediently, wishing she could use her hands to caress him. She continued sucking on his fingers as his fast breathing began to slow. He watched her intently, with wide eyes, as she nipped her tongue around his fingertips.

He released his fingers from between her lips and unclipped his belt securing her wrists together. He slumped down onto the bed next to her. His cock was still throbbing as he
memorised every inch of her naked body.
It had seemed their argument and anger had spiked a type of passion she had never thought possible. She ran her fingernails over his chest and their eyes locked onto each other.

"I'm never letting you go."

He whispered so quiet he wasn't sure if she had even heard, in fact he hoped that she hadn't.

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