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Great hall 10:00pm

"What? You didn't get me this gown?"
"No Iris."
"Well then, who did?" Her eyes darted around the hall but couldn't seem to focus on anyone in particular.
"It wasn't Elledge?"
"No it definitely wasn't."
"Then who the fuck bought you a dress like that-"
" I don't know! I thought it was you!" Iris confessed before taking a large sip of her nettle wine.

Draco and Iris walked over too Syd and Blaise and a few other Slytherins, as a lot of the other houses resented to talk to them, but then again she really couldn't care less. Draco took Iris' hand and asked her to dance, swirling her around the dance floor with a grin plastered on his face, he lifted her up and dropped her down as her arms swung around his neck.
Malfoy's eyes darted around the hall as he span, and suddenly they met with a smirking Theodore Nott, who was sat on a chair in the corner of the hall.
He looked extremely smug, staring at the pair as they waltzed around the hall.

It all hit him at once. Time slowed down. Malfoy knew it was him, Iris' gown, which other Slytherin would have access to that kind of money. Which other Slytherin was watching Iris intently, eyes burning into her back with a smirk.

His smug face was dying to be punched, and Malfoy was going to deliver.

Anger boiled deep in his system, as he clutched Iris' waist closer, keeping her back facing Nott so that she wouldn't notice. His anger churned within, hungry for destruction. Nott's smug look deepened as he realised Malfoy's frowned expression. The pressure of his raging sea of anger forced him to drop Iris's waist and storm towards him, fists clenched.

"She looks gorgeous in that dress, doesn't she?" Nott dripped the words  off his tongue, he smugly opened his mouth slightly, as his eyes flickered between Malfoy and Iris, who was looking over from afar in confusion.

"It was you."

"Of course it was me. I had her before you ever could."

"No, you took advantage of her you fucking nasty bastard."  Malfoy's voice was quiet as to protect Iris but angry as he towered over Theo, who was sitting.

Theo laughed angrily and stood slowly,
"You weren't there to save her Malfoy. You really think she'd want a fucking death eater boyfriend like you?"
The students around gasped and edged closer, a few of the teachers also looked over in confusion of the raised voices, but stayed put.

Syd found her way to Iris through the crowd and grabbed hold of her hand. Iris' lip quivered as she watched Malfoy edge his face closer.

He shoved Theo back into the stone wall.
"Fucking Deatheater." Theo sneered, holding the back of his head before pushing Malfoy back. A few of the students began to whisper against themselves as Snape began to push through the crowd.
Malfoy launched his fist forward straight into the middle of his face and Theo's nose began to bleed as he clutched it tightly.
"Everyone thinks your fucking mental."
Theo sneered as Snape grabbed onto Malfoy's collar tightly and pulled him out of the hall with a scowl.

In the cold corridor, away from the warm buzz of the ball, Snape pushed Malfoy against the wall.
"What are you doing boy."
"He fucking deserves everything."
"Theodore Nott is on our side."
"He's not on any side I'm on." Malfoy scowled.
"He hurt the girl I assume?"
"Listen. I made the unbreakable vow to protect you. You must focus on the Dark Lord. Not this girl. You must stop bringing attention to your deatheater status. You will get yourself in trouble."
"Theodore fucking Nott did. Not me."
"No more fighting. Lucius will not be impressed." Snape spat back at him.
Malfoy pushed Snape out the way and strided down the corridor. The thought that Iris was stood in the great hall wearing the gown that he had bought her, made him feel sick.

Malfoy placed himself down on a small seat on a balcony outside the great hall and listened to the faint buzz of music and people. He rubbed at his head with frustration.
The clip of Iris' heels on the stone flicked his head up and she appeared from around the corner, a worried and confused look etched onto her face .

"What the fuck just happened?" She breathed, sitting herself next to him.

"That dress your wearing. Nott brought it for you." Malfoy spat the words and then placed his head in his hands.
Iris' hands began to shake as she looked down at the green material sticking to her skin, just like he had that night.
He moved his strong hand onto her back.
"You are strong. Remember." He whispered.
Iris smiled and tears pricked in her eyes but she tried to hold them back, she wished that she could just feel at peace. Just this one night, before it all kicks off.
"You shouldn't have punched him."
"I couldn't fucking help it Iris." He sighed with frustration.
"I think I'm going to go to my dorm quickly, I want to change."
Draco nodded.
"I'll wait here."

Iris hurried down the hall and toward her dorm, as she opened the door she sat down on the bed and slipped off the dress.
She sat in her underwear, head in her hands. She didn't want to go back down to the Ball and have to see his face again, but, she didn't want him to get away with it either.
Fiddling around in her wardrobe for a new dress, she picked out a little number that her mother had brought her for her cousins wedding a year or so ago.

It was black chiffon, with a sweetheart bodice and silk lines that hung over her shoulders. Admittedly, It was gorgeous. Perhaps not as breathtaking as the green silk, but it certainly would do for the rest of the night.
A detour to the common room involved throwing the green dress into the fire without a second thought and running back to find Draco. She gave herself no time to think, tonight was night she wanted to dance, laugh and love. This certainly was not going to stop her, he was not going to stop her.

She found her way back to Draco who was slumped against the wall looking up to the sky. The sound of her heels caused him to whip around, and eye her figure intently in the new dress.
"I prefer this one." He smirked before pulling her into a hug.
"Shall we go back to the Ball?"
"Are you sure you want to go back?"
"Certain." Iris smiled, not letting her brave face crack as they walked hand in hand back to the Ball.

As soon as they arrived back Syd handed them both a glass of Nettle wine.
"I think you both need it." She joked with a laugh. Iris' took the glass willingly and began to sip.
Malfoy scanned the hall for a certain pureblood Slytherin, but he was no where to be seen.

The rest of the night continued on, festive and jolly.
Students were beginning to forget the current climate of the Wizarding world, and for one night, just lived in the moment.
The sparkle of the large Christmas tree in the centre warmed her heart.
Malfoy pulled her tightly into his chest and they danced around the hall, much to the other girls disappointment. Of which two of those girls were noticeably Parkinson and Greengrass.
Malfoy placed a warm kiss on her lips under their wicked glares.

As the clock hit 2:00am, the Christmas Ball came to a close. Iris and Draco headed back to his dorm, craving each others bodies in the late hours.

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