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This was going to be two chapters but I decided to keep it as one!
Here you have the last chapter, please read my a/n once you've finished.

~here's also a few song recommendations for you to create a queue whilst you read~
- The night we met: Lord Huron
- The Beach: The Neighbourhood
- Experience : Ludovico Einaudi
^ ( this is song is perfect for the last scene)

TW: Self harm and suicide

A month later

Exactly one month had passed.

Iris had briefly spoke to Draco, only small smiles and moments of secret passion when he would push her into broom cupboards and remind himself why he fucking loved her.
The teachers had started an investigation into a few of the death eaters that had returned, Malfoy and Zabini included. Apparently students around the school had been complaining that they felt unsafe and so the teachers had to take charge.
Draco had been expecting this though, he knew it wouldn't be so easy.

Iris and Syd would quietly get on with work and then return to their dorm and chat, not much uttered about Draco's clearly strange ongoing behaviour.
This investigation certainly didn't help the case and gave Draco all the more reason to keep Iris at arms length.

Despite his desperate longing to just fucking be with her, his anxiety was becoming worse.

If he could go back to the beginning then he would've never spoken to her in the first place. That would've made his life ten times easier because now he wouldn't be madly in love with a girl that he didn't deserve.

A girl that he didn't want to associate with a used to be deatheater.

Draco fucking loved her so much, a painful amount that meant the lack of touch was driving him crazy.
But he had to do it. He'd put her in enough danger already and the guilt was constant.

Every time he would catch Iris' sad beautiful eyes in class he'd go to his dorm and punish himself for it.
Draco had started cutting in the places he used to cut because it made living with himself easier.
He could be in control of that and not much else.
Draco fucking needed Iris, and she needed him.

But considering he'd nearly got her killed before and had to wipe her fucking memory, he wasn't willing to take any more chances at getting her hurt or involved with this Deatheater investigation shit.
He didn't want the other students looking at her the way they looked at him, because it was fucking awful.

As for Iris, she was beginning to spiral. Syd noticed it first- her personality faded just like it started to back in fifth year.
The relationship they once had was slowly starting to crumble around them and as days continued to pass, they began to only look at eachother from afar.

Wishing they could go back to before.
Every time they caught eye contact, or when fingers brushed against eachother accidentally the sparks would come flying back.

They both knew they couldn't love anyone else and yet Draco would rather spend his life alone than hurt her again.
Together, they'd been through hell and back.

In his head he didn't fucking deserve her.
And that was that.


When the clock hit 4am a few nights later, bundled up in her own tears and dripping blood - Iris scribbled onto a stray peace of parchment paper.

You fucking lied.
You lied when you told me you were going to protect me forever because now you're leaving me.
I can feel it.
Fuck you.

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