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7:45pm dorm room

Iris and Sydney returned to their dorm after a long first day back at Hogwarts. Sydney had that mischievous smirk on her face, the one that Iris had grew to love yet also hate.

"Good first day of lessons?" Syd questioned slyly.
"Fine. Why are you acting so odd?" Iris narrowed her eyes at her best friend with a small smile. They knew each other too damn well.

"There's a party tonight in the common room. A welcome back." She blurted out with a grin.
"We have to go!"

The last thing Iris wanted to do after a long day back was go to a party, but she had promised her friend, and she had a bottle of fire whiskey hanging around at the back of the wardrobe her older sister had once bought for her. That needed using.
"Don't be a pussy." Syd taunted.
Iris threw a pillow towards Sydney's face laughing.
"Yes, but only if you get super drunk with me."
"Oh do you even have to ask?" Syd smirked.

"Fuck sake what am I going to wear?"
Iris suddenly sighed before running towards the wardrobe.
"I'll help." Syd followed and tilted her head to the side in an attempt to find something perfect.

The girls squabbled over outfits for the next 20 minutes, how much skin do they show and do they wear heels, or trainers, dresses or skirts? They had no one else to ask.

Right on cue Pansy pushes though the door and heads towards her bed looking at the girls strangely.
Her nasty scowl returning to its rightful place.
"Actually going to the party then, both of you?"
She pointed eyeing the girls, and then at the pile of outfits on the floor.

"I'm getting ready at Astorias."
She exclaimed before grabbing a green long sleeve dress and a bag of makeup from her bed.

"Guess I'll see you two later," She scowled,
"Try not to be too embarrassing for fuck sake. You hardly ever come to parties, maybe you should keep it that way."
Smiling sarcastically, she walked toward the door.

"We won't get in your way if you don't get in ours Parkinson." Sydney snapped back.

With a Scowl Pansy was gone.
Another person to add to the list of people she really didn't want to see tonight. At least now they could both confirm that they should wear dresses, I suppose they could thank Pansy for that.

Iris picked out a black skin tight dress, hugging her curves and revealing her cleavage as she layered on gold jewellery and took her time to perfect her makeup, natural but still slightly glam.
Syd looked amazing too, she wore a grey dress, off the shoulder, and pinned her jet black hair into a messy sort of updo.
The girls started to have a few drinks before it was time to go down to the party. Syd lit a cigarette and handed it to Iris as she took a drag and then a sip of her drink.

"I did not expect to be doing this tonight."
Iris laughed, the glow on her cheeks from the alcohol already hitting her, the fire whiskey a burning tinge down the back of her throat.
"Fun though right?"
"Like nice to be actually going somewhere and doing this." Syd laughed back, lifting the bottle to her lips and going for more.

They could hear the loud music from downstairs, the buzz of people clustered in the Slytherin common room. Iris was nervous, but excited, and the fire whiskey definitely helped with that. 
She looked in the mirror quickly before they left, pulling her dress down a little more to accentuate her breast.
"Come on let's go." Syd gestured downstairs, "It's almost 9:45."

The girls wondered downstairs and into the common room that was full with hundreds of Slytherins Iris didn't even recognise.
Iris' eyes caught with certain slytherin royalty as soon as she walked in, Malfoy, sat on the sofa in his black shirt with his arm round Greengrass, yet still scowling at whatever she was talking about.
He took a swig of his drink as his eyes danced over Iris' body as he noticed her- first her breast then her hips, down her legs, then back up to her face.

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