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3:05am Hogwarts grounds

Iris bounded across the lawn into Draco's arms. He pulled her close into his chest as his breathing slowed. The air was cold and fresh, the ground frosty, and small tears glistened in her eyes.The previous incident with Blaise was hardly a memory anymore, a lost factor, irrelevance, against her Draco.
She moved away from him and held him by the shoulders, looking into his deep grey eyes.
"Your alright?" She gulped.
"I'm alright. Are you?"
"Yes, I mean scared but, fine. Really." Iris nodded eagerly as she placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Look I don't have long Iris. Really an hour tops."
He snapped back, suddenly remembering what could happen to him if his father had found he had sneaked away to meet his halfblood lover in the middle of the night. In the middle of well, war.
He just needed to touch her body one final time before one final goodbye.

"Come here." He snapped as she moved slightly closer towards his chest.
"Let me touch you."
Although it had seemed more of an order than an ask, Iris nodded submissively, and between her legs tingled with excitement and a longing for physical touch, his fingers against her flesh, it was unbearable.
She looked up at the dark sky, littered with stars above her and smiled slightly as he clamped his hand tightly around her neck, his cold silver rings digging into her flesh, as he sucked with passion at her neck and cheeks.
"I thought you didn't have long." She whispered.
"Oh this won't take long." He smirked back, crashing his lips against hers.
Draco's hands slid up her hoodie and felt their way around her naked back, as if savouring the feel of her skin beneath his fingers.
The final goodbye.
A small moan escaped her lips as she focused on his hands feeling around her breasts under her hoodie, teasing and flicking at her nipples. She squirmed at the pleasure, bucking her hips toward his hard crotch.

"I missed seeing you squirm under my touch."

And his classic Malfoy smirk lingered this time, as he looked down at her quivering lip.
She shivered as her hoodie lifted up slightly with his hands feeling around underneath it,
"Not cold are you Princess?"
She nodded shyly looking at her feet, "A bit."
"I think I can help with that." A small grin played on his cheeks and his hand began to slide down from her stomach to began to untie her bottoms. She looked down and watched his strong hands, breathing quickened with the thought of him touching her again.
Fuck he had missed her body, even if he couldn't see it in all its glory, the feeling of her skin was enough to harden him greatly.

His hand slipped into her lacy underwear and he pulled her close against his chest as his fingers worked away at her delicate clit. She moaned as his cold fingers applied pressure to all her sensitive areas, he knew her body like the back of his hand.
If an hour was all they had, then he wanted to make sure she would never forget him.
He wanted her begging for it.
Just like she did the first time he touched her. To watch her squirm under his touch and achieve such immense pleasure from just his fingers dipping in and out of her.
She moaned and groaned into his chest, her arms around his neck, looking up at the deep night sky. So relaxed, yet so, already, on the edge of a such intense climax.

He slipped his fingers inside, her eyes rolled back and she clenched his neck harder,
"More babygirl?"
He breathed into her ear before inserting two more fingers inside.

"No one else will ever be able to make you feel like this. Do you realise how fucking lucky you are to get the opportunity to climax under my touch. With just my fingers."
He spat angrily, but still a whispered tone in her ear. Continuing to push in and out of her, his thumb rubbing against her clit, she moaned greatly and her legs began to shake.

"Told you it wouldn't take long."

"Pathetic slut."
He laughed throwing his head back slightly, still pushing his fingers inside her, whispering, "It's hardly been a few minutes."
Iris struggled to reply, only with moans of pleasure.
"I'm- I'm close." She stuttered, dripping down her legs.
"You think I can't fucking tell."
He continued to work his fingers inside her, enjoying every second of the feel of her folds around his fingers. The passion had certainly warmed them both up under the cold night sky.
"Draco... I'm going to cum."
He worked faster and circled his fingers up to create a intimate amount of pleasure on her g-spot. She lent against his body with weakness, her head against his chest as her breathing quickened.

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