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TW: This chapter contains details of rape and suicide. Please skip this chapter if you feel it will be too much for you.

12:00pm dungeons

Iris had ran to the only place she had ever felt truly safe. In the dungeons, lit dimly by candles, where her and Syd used to sit in fifth year. When it had all happened. She slumped against the wall and wiped her tears away, her hands shaked violently as she tried to steady them on the cold stone floor.
She heard a steady click of someone's shoes, which appeared to be getting closer. She slumped down further, hugging her knees, hoping the sounds weren't coming from Filch or even a professor.

However it was almost like she recognised the sharp click of the shoes on the floor. Had someone followed her back into the castle?
Suddenly his dark figure came into sight. And Iris realised it was him, it was Malfoy, and he had come back for her.

She wondered if he had come to taunt her, to let her know she was a pussy for crying, she wondered if he had even seen her crying.
He must've come to make fun of her and she couldn't face him right now, her heart beating fast through her chest as she looked up at him with her glossy eyes, wiping the tears away.
"Not now Malfoy." She spoke shakily.
"Please just leave me alone."

He kneeled down beside her and frowned.

"What's happened Iris? Why did you run?"

She sighed.
"It's what I've always done when I'm reminded of what happened. I can't face it .... I can't face ... him." A quiet whisper escaped her mouth, as another tear dropped down her check. She felt dirty whenever she thought of that night.

His frown deepened.
"Who?" He sounded concerned, gentle, yet also angry. She didn't know if he was angry at her or something else.
"Who can't you face Iris?"


"ANSWER ME." he snapped loudly, and it echoed through the dungeons.
Then he hovered his fingers over her cheek and wiped away a tear. The feel of his fingers against her skin immediately made her feel safe and protected, she didn't know how he did it.
Was she really going to tell Malfoy her biggest secret?

Somehow it felt right, but she didn't want to do it to herself again, didn't want to open up. Little did she know Malfoy was thinking the exact same thing.
It's like they were so close to something amazing, yet so far apart.

"Theodore Nott."
The words escaped her mouth before she could stop them, they dripped like venom off her tongue, even his name felt forbidden. She covered her mouth with surprise that he managed to coax the name out of her without even really trying.
"What the fuck did he do to you?"
He spat as his fingers weaved into hers and gripped her tightly.
"I can't tell you."
She stammered, her voice no louder than a whisper.
"Syd is the only one that knows what happened. I just shouldn't tell you."

"You're mine now Iris. I said to myself I'd protect you and so you need to tell me what he did. It's important."

Malfoy fucking repulsed Theodore Nott in that moment, without knowing what he did, it clearly had broken poor Iris. His poor Iris.
He knew Nott fairly well, with his family being Slytherin pure bloods, never close friends but they were definitely acquaintances. And he certainly knew him well from when they both played for the Slytherin Quidditch team last year.

In that moment she decided she would tell him. She would make him promise. It was eating her alive at this point and his fingers wrapped around hers were so warm and affectionate.
"Just promise Malfoy. Promise you'll keep it to yourself."
"I promise." He whispered frowning into her eyes.

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