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10:00pm Draco's room

The rest of the afternoon had passed quickly and the sky had now slashed on its dark shade of midnight blue. Draco had Iris snuggled onto his chest, her golden locks spread out around his neck, tickling at his chin. She was sound asleep, her chest rising and falling gently, and he was very much wide awake. Staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes that were slowly adjusting to the darkness. He wanted to savour every passing minute in her presence, her curves wrapped around him tightly and he never wanted to feel his chest rise and fall without her there again.
Emptiness clouded his mind as he ran through the plan in his head. Tomorrow morning would be their goodbye. He would get her back safety to Hogwarts, back to her hopefully not too unsuspecting fellow students and teachers. Or failing that, some sort of safe house. He knew an abandoned one, once used by the family. He would give her the address and in the event it's too dangerous for her to stay at Hogwarts, he could use the suitable safe house from where Andromeda had fled the family years ago. Anywhere in fact to keep her away from his parents finding her again. Especially that now her memories of them were so exposed. He rolled her over carefully, and she gracefully slung onto her stomach as he pulled the duvet up around her. He couldn't sleep and there was no point just lying there. He needed to divide a set plan that would keep her protected, just as he promised himself he always would.

Draco trudged out of his room, closing his door slowly behind him. He stepped lightly through the wide corridor guided by the "lumos" from his wand. He rubbed at his tired eyes and entered his mother's office. Sliding his wand along in one horizontal movement to open a set of draws. He began shifting through the papers for the letters her mother had shared with her runaway sister, Andromeda. Luckily for him, this is something his mother had kept well under the radar from Lucius, so he had no knowledge of where her sister had once ran off too. Now it lay abandoned, and a perfect place for Iris to stay during the war. He would also let Syd know of her whereabouts when he found the place, mainly to appease her.

Narcissa's old letters to Andromeda were mainly ones of anger and shame, but despite all that, his mother had still not told anyone where she had been hiding. Only when Draco had been searching through her letters once when he was younger had he discovered her whereabouts. He hadn't told anyone, but knew that the address of this safe house would come in handy one day. If he could only find the bloody letters.

He reignited his lumos to shine a little brighter and continued searching, when he finally came across a small set of envelopes addressed to andromeda. The date was over 20 years ago. This must have been around the right time she was hiding away with Ted.
Draco held the paper between his fingertips and ripped apart the small section of the address, slotting it into his pocket. As much as he didn't want to admit it to himself, he had to get her out of here by the morning. The possibility of his parents coming home was growing ever closer, even if just for supplies.

7:00am Draco's room

The sun was starting to rise, orangey hues filling up the spaces of darkness that were left to linger in the corners of his room. Iris was snuggled into Draco's chest, and he was still very much wide awake. His fingers were in her hair, brushing through. And he analysed each inch of her face, as if to etch it forever into his memory. Her soft cheekbones and jaw, blushed cheeks, her pretty little rosebud lips, long dark lashes. It was strange the feeling, truly in love. He'd had sex with countless numbers of girls and never had he thought he would end up wanting to sacrifice his life for one.

She awoke slowly then, sleepy hands rubbing at her eyes.
"Good morning." She smiled up at him, her voice sleepy and a little hoarse.
"Morning you." He smiled back, before handing her a cup of green tea and small plate of toast, prepared by the house elves.
"Thankyou." She smiled before sitting up slightly and tucking in. He left her a few minutes, it was beautiful how blissfully unaware she was. After a quick shower, Draco decided to tell her the plan.

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