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9:50am dorm room

Iris awoke slowly, as she tossed and turned in bed wondering whether to tell Syd about what happened with her and Malfoy last night. It was a drunken mistake, but she couldn't deny the fact she had enjoyed it.
And although he was a total prat, the fact that she craved more of him, showed he clearly had an effect on her. Syd awoke with a grin, Iris realised she must have slipped in last night when she was already asleep.
"Good night then?" Iris questioned sitting up and rubbing at her head.

"Oh my god." Syd blurted.
"Blaise was amazing, and he said he'd organise to see me today, how mint is that?!"
She grinned with tired eyes.
"I'm happy for you Syd. You reckon you really like him?"

"I don't know but can't hurt to try right?" And with this she stood up to head towards the bathroom,
"After all this is the year of trying new things."
She shouted to Iris from the bathroom.
Iris couldn't help but think this might mean she may have to spend more time with Blaise and his mates than really she wanted too. Specifically Malfoy. He was bad news.

Strangely, Pansy was no where to be seen, but Iris didn't question it for a moment longer and hopped out of bed to get ready for the day.

Her head was pounding and so she took a few potions to help ease the pain, before choosing an outfit slightly more comfortable than she would usually go for. She picked out Black skin tight leggings that hugged her waist and a dark green hoodie. She put on her black fluffy socks and trainers before tying up her hair into some sort of messy up do.

Syd and her continued to gossip about last night, until Iris decided, whilst pushing mascara through her lashes that she really should tell Syd exactly what happened before she entered the dorm last night.
She gulped, Syd was going to flip.

"I have a confession."
"Ooooh go on."
"Yes what about him?" Syd narrowed her eyes at her best friend with a glint of hope for something juicy.

"We kissed last night, on the way back to the dorm." Iris rushed, biting her lip, pondering on Syds reaction.
"Oh. My. God."
"You and Draco Malfoy?! This is unreal."
She jumped grinning and laughing at Iris.
"I mean I knew we said we'd try new things this year but I never thought, that."

"Well neither did I."
Iris spoke quickly, "It just sort of happened."
Syd's grin widened as she noticed the lovebites dotted along Iris' neck.
"Iris banks! Are those from him?" She exaclaimed.
"Yes." Iris returned, almost embarrassed,
"I don't want it to happen again though, and he made it pretty clear it won't anyway. I think it was more an ego sort of thing than a I like you sort of thing."

Syd nodded, "Well hey, if you had fun. I'm game. Even if he can be a bit of a slimy tart." She giggled.
Iris grinned with a nod knowing full well that yes she had enjoyed it, but she would just have to suppress her attraction towards Malfoy. It seemly wasn't worth the pain.

As much fun as gossiping with Syd was, Iris thought she better head out to her first lesson, Charms for 11 o clock.

11:02am charms class

Iris chose a seat to sit at quickly, since she didn't know who was in her class this year, she likely expected to sit by herself. And she was comfortable sat by herself, as professor Flitwick ordered them to open their textbooks and begin to study. Iris seemed to focus poorly, her mind wandering constantly to the thought of a certain blonde slytherin boy.

It was funny really, no boy had ever seemed to effect her like this, I mean before she'd hardly had any interest in boys. I mean sure she'd slept with a few, but she'd never had any interest of continuing anything with any of them after the event. She tried her hardest to focus but she couldn't help but notice her eyes darting around the room searching for that blonde hair and strong physique.
Nope- he clearly didn't share this class with her.

Wait, why the fuck did she actually care- she was going fucking mad. Searching for him in class, I mean get a grip Iris, the boy never wants to see you again. And you shouldn't want to see him either...

With that thought, the classroom door crashed open and a gorgeous blonde slytherin stood in the entrance smirking.
"Sorry I'm late sir, more important things to be doing you see."

"You may take a seat next to .... hmmm let me see .... Iris over here." Flitwick pointed sharply.
"Hurry up."
Iris groaned as she watched Draco trudge towards her and sit himself down.
"You." He scowled.

This was just typical, the boy Iris had wanted to avoid the most, was the boy sat directly beside her scowling across at Goyle. His masculine scent made the inbetween of Iris' legs flutter with excitement and she hated it.

"He likes you, you know." He scowled with a low tone into Iris' ear, "Goyle. Crabbe as well actually, won't stop going on about your body. And your face, and well, you."
His eyes narrowed with anger.
"Oh." Iris whispered back.
"And I need to know this beca-"
"Because it's pissing me off." Draco snapped with interruption, trying not to avert Flitwicks attention.
"Look I don't know why, but there's something about you." He scowled with anger.

"I know you like it, the attention. I know that you lap it up like the slut you are. You like that they look at you like that."
Draco sneered as his fingers tapped on the table, Iris noticed how muscular his hands were, veiny and his silver snake rings reminded her of his wealth. Like she could ever forget.

Then she snapped back to reality.
"Leave it out Draco." Iris whispered back, "I don't give a shit who likes me. Especially not if it's them." She smirked to herself and looked down at the table, her fingers fidgeting in her lap.
"I need to get you out my system Iris. I can't stop thinking about you."
For a moment their eyes met, and her blue eyes melted into his grey ones and for a moment, she felt like they could be good together, that she could change him and they could even deserve each other.

The moment snapped away as quickly as it came and Draco sneered before tucking a strand of Iris' blonde hair behind her ear.
"Before you get too excited darling, this isn't an us thing, this is me trying to get you out my head sort of thing." He scowled.
"And nothing more."
Iris nodded. If only she knew that Draco was not only lying to her but lying to himself.
"Well maybe I didn't want anything more with you anyway." She stated boldly towards him.
"I never said you did." He laughed back.
"But I know you want me. Every girl does, and you'd be lucky to get it." He spat before turning back around forward and focussing on Flitwick's drowning voice.

Iris thought to herself how bad could this situation really be.
Ok so Draco Malfoy needed to, 'get her out of his system' sort of thing, and she was seemingly also attracted to him.
But it was Malfoy, and he was horrible, a Prat as Syd had called him. She sighed and put her head in her hands. And never mind it would give Pansy another reason to hate her.

Who was she kidding ?! If this was to happen no one could ever find out. Far too risky and well embarrassing for her, people knew how demanding Draco was and she didn't want to be another girl to just melt at the tip of his fingers.
The devil on her shoulder though, wanted this so so bad. Wanted him.

As the end of the lesson creeped upon them Draco slumped out of his chair and strode out of the classroom, saying nothing but just looking back at Iris, staring her up and down with some sort of possessive glare. He disappeared out of the classroom and Iris began to pack up her things. As she looked down she noticed a scrumpled up piece of paper sat on top of her book.
She opened it up.

Meet me at the astronomy tower at 9
that is if you're not a fucking pussy

Iris smiled quietly to herself before tucking the note into her pocket. She shouldn't go really. It was bad news.
But she was curious, what did he want?
Sydney would want her to go. Tell her to not be so boring.
She should go.
She would go.
She would meet up with Draco Malfoy.
And she would not let him treat her like shit.

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