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TW: Brief mention of rape

2:35am Blaise's dorm room

As the girls walked into the boys dorm their eyes glanced over to Malfoy, Zabini, Goyle, Parkinson, and Greengrass. I mean it just particularly had to be everybody that Iris didn't get along with. The obnoxious popular Slytherin bunch. Syd really owed her for this one, she longed to be wrapped up in her cosy duvet and to drift of into a sweet slumber.

"It's going to be fine." Syd whispered to Iris,
"Don't look so goddamn scared." She giggled as they walked closer to the group, sporadically spread across the sofas and floor all with drinks in their hands.
"You really owe me for this. Zabini better be fucking worth it." Iris scowled with a slight smile.

"Who the fuck invited you."
Parkinson squirmed as the girls sat down on one of the sofas. She looked to Malfoy for validation but he seemed to have his eyes glued on Iris, and he didn't move his glare even whilst taking a sip of his drink.
She looked - fucking good.

"I did." Blaise smirked looking towards Syd. Then he offered the girls a drink, and Syd lit up a cigarette before letting Iris have a drag to try and ease her nerves.

The girls listened to the riveting conversation of the slytherin royalty, whilst Syd sometimes chimed in with an occasional comment and Iris stayed silent - trying to avoid the stare of Malfoy, which was burning into her.
She wasn't looking at him but she could tell he was smirking at her, checking her out, and it made her want to squirm under his gaze. The butterflies danced in her stomach. Why was he staring at her?

Did he really hate her, want to beat her up for actually coming? Or did he want something else?
She couldn't help but look down at his crotch for just a second, but it seemed to be a second too long, as when she looked up at him he grinned at her slightly, with a smirk. Oh fuck had he noticed?
Her cheeks dusted with red and she looked to Astoria for distraction who was telling everybody a story about how Cedric Diggory the hufflepuff heartthrob had once asked her for a shag. How intriguing.

As the conversation carried on Zabini had moved closer to Syd and slid his arm around her waist, they were clearly flirting with each other and Iris just sat constantly taking sips of her drinks, trying to ignore her best friend on the other end of the sofa.
Zabini announced to the group and he placed a bottle in the middle of the group and slowly spoke,
"So spin the bottle." He looked to Sydney, clearly hoping that they would be making out and Iris prayed that she wouldn't be spending the night here and that she wouldn't have to be stuck alone in the dorm with Pansy.

The first spin. Greengrass and Goyle. She looked at him in disguist but leaned over to kiss him quickly and quietly, whilst the rest of the group jeered at the pair.
Iris had to admit it was distinctly funny watching Astoria clearly squirm in her seat as she kissed one of her closest friends.
Then next was Pansy and Draco. Draco rolled his eyes and looked quickly to Iris, almost searching for a reaction, but she gave nothing away.
"Nothing new there hey drakey."
Pansy sarcastically stated, flirting and practically marking her territory, she had almost sighed with relief when her name had been called with Draco's.

"Shut it Parkinson."
Draco snapped before leaning in for a quick kiss. Iris could tell she tried to make the kiss linger but Draco pulled away quickly, his eyes quickly darting back to Iris. Although lucky for her, Pansy didn't seem to notice the constant moments of eye contact.

Iris couldn't help but wonder what his lips had tasted like, but she quickly banished the thought from her mind.
She was probably just horny because she knew her mate would be getting some tonight.
Next was Blaise and Syd, lucky for her, and the group watched them lock lips as Blaise's hands trailed around her face and neck. Iris looked away and took another sip, thanking fuck her name hadn't been called yet.
Pansy and Astoria then had a quick kiss, they giggled and Pansy looked to Draco, perhaps to wonder if he found it hot, but his eyes were still plastered on somebody else, and Pansy and Astorias kiss did not seem to even waver his attention.
Goyle and Blaise then got called, but to everyone's amusement, Blaise then decided that would be a perfect time to finish the game. Funny that. Iris kind of hoped it would've happened, maybe it would've made her time in this dorm worthwhile.

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