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9:00am Malfoy's dorm

Iris had slept on Draco's chest the whole night, they were both topless, skin warming eachother after their cold walk out in the snow last night.
His strong hands held her tightly against his skin, his hard morning wood digging into her legs.
She snuggled closer into him as the sun streamed through the curtains.
A few minutes past before she pulled herself out of his tight grip, as too not wake him, and wondered into the bathroom.
She switched on the shower and pulled down her underwear slowly before stepping into the warm splash of water. Luke warm drops darkened her hair and trickled down her back. The sensation of steamy water calmed her thoughts. Her thoughts about how although all her fellow students seemed to be gushing about the Christmas ball, she couldn't help but dread what could happen after.
As her thoughts drifted away with her she felt a cold hand on her back and a soft whisper in her ear which sent shivers down her spine.

"Exactly what I wanted to wake up too."
"Your wet naked body."

He whispered, a smirk playing on his face as he pulled her in by her waist, around to face him. Warm droplets cascaded down his strong features and his white blonde hair was pushed back against his face.
Iris couldn't help but eagerly take in his gorgeous lean shape, with strong arms and chiselled abs. Of course her eyes also lingered lower for a second.
He took in her naked figure too, biting at his lip as he leaned in slowly, his hand holding her Jaw, her hands slipped around his body to push their wet bodies together. He grew harder and she felt the heat between her legs pulse wildly as their wet bodies sunk into each other.

His lips sucked on hers, and then on her tongue, ducking and diving inside each other's mouths. Heavy and quick with passion. His breath of strong mint, her lips of cherry.
His musky masculine scent ate her up and their arms felt desperately at each others bodies. His scent had been the first thing to captivate her and it certainty would be the last.

"Get on your fucking knees you dirty slut."
Draco pushed her down violently and pulled her hair back so that she could slide his cock inside her mouth.
Her eyes watered as she pushed him inside her, rosebud lips clinging around him, and he pushed her head forward and backwards along his cock.

"You look beautiful with my cock inside your mouth."

Iris moaned onto his dick and the vibrations caused him to groan wildly as he watched her eyes grow glossy under the stream of water, as she tried to take as much of him in a possible.
For him it was like a wave of pleasure, she felt amazing and she used her tongue to dance little circles around his tip. Every time she looked up at him with little innocent eyes he couldn't help but groan and shove her head down further to take more.
She worked on him for a few more minutes before he instructed her to stand up.
She stood up slowly, licking at her lips, and with a sudden movement he shoved her hard against the tiled wall in the shower. He lifted one of her legs up so that he could slip himself in tightly.

"I ought to buy you something to help get you prepared to take my size." He whispered lowly.

She nodded with a moan and a wince, as he slowly pushed himself inside her. He licked at his teeth and smirked down at her, his blonde hair still pushed sexily off his masculine features.
Her walls clenched around him and he moaned as he reached closer to her most sensitive spots. One of his hands weaved around her leg tightly to hold it up, so she was more open for him, the other was twiddling with her nipple.
Their steamy moans echoed out into the shower, the warm water streaming down onto his back.
Tongues intertwined and breathes rise in visible puffs as he pushes further into her, trapping her body along the cold hard tiles.
She moans greatly with pleasure, feeling her climax soon arriving.
He rubs at her clit slowly and she can't hold it in anymore. She hits her orgasm with a great moan and shouts his name, squirting over his dick.

"Fuck." She breathes into his ear, her whole body limp and resting on his, his arms holding her up as her legs shake wildly. He speeds up, pumping in and out of her, growling as he knows he's so close,
"Swallow it."
He moans and she gets onto her knees slowly, before opening her mouth at his tip, he releases inside her mouth, it drips down the sides of her lips and she is sure to make use of every drop as he watches her intently, his breath beginning to slow.

"Good girl." He cooed with a whisper, and runs his hand along her jaw, to tip her head to look up at him.

She tries to stand up slowly from the wet shower floor but her legs buckle beneath her and she winces with pain. He scoops her naked body up with ease, wrapping a towel over her whilst she still is in his arms, snuggled into his damp chest.
He lays her down on the bed and she fiddles in her bag for her signature small pleated skirt and fresh underwear.
Draco dries his body off quickly, under her admiring gaze, and slips on his black clothes. She watches him brush at his hair and tease a spray of cologne onto his chest.
"Can I leave you here to finish getting ready. I've some business to catch up on."
He smirks and begins to tie up his shoes, his glare occasionally drifting onto her body as she fiddles around with some fresh underwear.
He smiles a small smile as his watches her, so fucking hot.
He waltzes over to her and places a kiss on her forehead before squeezing at her breasts with a smile. She giggles.
"I'll see you in the common room, later."
"Okay." Iris smiles before slipping her skirt up her legs.

Iris takes her time to get dressed and brush through her hair, brushing her teeth, before packing up her things and leaving Draco's apartment.
The corridors are still fairly empty from these current dark times, and Iris sighs as the reality hits her again.
She twists the key in her dorm room and Syd grins greatly as she watches her walk in.
"Good night with Mr. Lover boy?" She smirks.
"Haha, oh yes it was good thanks Syd."
Iris walks over to her wardrobe for a hoodie as she listens to Syd continue on about how Drunk she's going to get at the Christmas ball.
Iris gasps as she opens her wardrobe.
A dark green silk gown stares back at her, a tight fitted bodice, low cut with tiny straps. It sucks in at the waist, corset like, and then flows down, the green silk material shining back at her. There was a silt up one of the legs to tease, she had imagined.
She ran her fingers over the soft material. The dress was beautiful, and certainly looked much more costly than anything she could've bought.
"Syd come and look at this!" Syd waltzed over before gasping too.
"Iris it's beautiful. Where did you get it?"
"I didn't."
And she smiled softly to herself, running her fingers over the cold material.

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