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TW: Mention of rape and consent.

8:00pm Malfoy Manor

"Oh come on Malfoy. Why are you so scared? We were good together, you and me."
Draco took a step back, trying to ignore her hand that was eagerly creeping up his chest.

"We were never together. It was a fling, a fucking pity shag."
Pansy laughed, "Oooh not trying to hurt my feelings now are you Malfoy? Because that just turns me on more."
"Of course it fucking does. Your pathetic. A slut."
Pansy smirked, "Isn't that what you called Banks the first time you met her? Yeah, I remember. Must have a thing for sluts Malfoy..."

Draco could feel his face going slightly red, fists clenched, as he watched her roll her tongue along her teeth. Not breaking eye contact. He looked down at her, his sharp jaw clenched.
Pansy spoke again, "I thought you said it was over between Banks? Why that face when I mention that half bloods name? Is Draco sad that he can't be with the filthy blood traitor?" She quivered her lip and laughed at his narrowed eyes.
Pansy brought her hand to the top of the back of his neck and rubbed slowly, trying to release his tension.
"What the fuck are you doing Parkinson?"
"I know you like to be touched here." Her hand lingered at his neck for a few more seconds, "If you hate it so much then why are you still letting me touch you?"

He took his hand around her small wrist and slammed it down. "Don't touch me."

"Look Malfoy! Why the fuck did you invite me here if you're just going to decline all my fucking sexual advances!"

"I didn't fucking invite you. My father did."
She huffed at his reply and crossed her arms over the front of her body.
"Fine. Whatever. But that arrangement still stands, my father and yours have been speaking."

"What fucking arrangement?"

"The marriage Malfoy. What do you think? It happens to rich pureblood families every year. So the least you can do is try to let me-

"Not happening."


"The marriage is not fucking happening."

She turned her head to the side with confusion.
"You don't have a choice Draco-

"Parkinson, surely you don't actually want this to happen? I don't fucking love you and you don't love me-

"What is love, really?"
"Not fucking this." Draco scowled, rubbing at his head.
"Well maybe if you gave me a chance, I mean you already know I've got a good little mouth, I'd suck your dick good, whenever you asked and-

"Parkinson, shut it. You don't actually want this? Seriously?"

"Yes. I do. If you just tried it, let me get my hands on you, you could feel it too. And you know it's best for the bloodline, the money, we would make such a perfect powerful-

"But we don't love each other."

"I could. I know damn well I could, and I think you could too."
She took a step closer to him, "The attractions there and we share the same views and-

"But it isn't. We aren't even similar at all."

Draco sighed, "Even if that's the case I know I wouldn't have a choice. With the marriage thing."

"Exactly. So just fucking embrace it, don't be a pussy about it. If your going to marry me you might as well make use of the fact I'll pretty much do whatever you want Drakey..."
She fiddled around his collar again, biting at that same spot on her lip.

"Let me stay tonight, why don't you just let me stay?"

"I can't Parkinson."
"Is it banks?"
"No I just-
"At least another drink, for me, downstairs?"

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