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6am manor dungeons

When the clock hit 6am, he couldn't bare to listen to her silent sobs in the dark any longer. His parents had still not returned, and he had assumed the fighting was still in full swing. Would be for a while.
He couldn't leave the girl he loved with his whole heart alone in the dungeons to cry. He hadn't taken his eyes off her all night, mind you she didn't seem to notice as she desperately cried for hours, face shoved deep into the dirty mattress.
And for a while, he cried with her. He had to do something. He didn't want to sit awake with her waiting for her 'punishment.' Of course his father would ask what that was, what he had done, but he would have to think of that later. For now, he needed to get her warm and safe. She was shivering frantically now. The only thing he had left was her, and he wasn't going to let his father control him like this.
He would have to leave it a few days, even a week, to save him getting suspicious, but ultimately he had to get her out. And he definitely couldn't handle her cooped up inside these dark dungeons any longer.

Praying his parents wouldn't be home for a few days, he lent down toward Iris. Hovering his fingers over her back slowly, hesitation, and then without a second thought, he scooped his hands around her waist, her sleepy sobs fading out under his tight grip. She looked up at him, eyes puffy and wet, so much innocence and yet so much betrayal.
"Get your hands off me, what are you doing?!" She spoke quietly, but with confusion and anger.

"Just trust me."
"Why the hell would I trust you after what you've said?" She looked up at him and he walked slowly, holding her close to his body, and god he had missed the heat of it. His hands held steady on her upper thighs, how he wished he could edge them up higher.
He brought them to walk up the grand staircase.
"Answer me!" She demanded.
"You've trusted me before. I'm sure you can do it again." He smirked.
"I don't understand." She stammered with confusion, tears wanted to stream down her face but she was sure that she had nothing left.

"Where are we going? Are you going to hurt me?"
"Oh will you just stop with the fucking questions."
She bent her head down and crossed her arms tightly in his grip, avoiding every attempt she possibly could to touch his flesh against hers and to avoid eye contact. He was doing the complete opposite.
He brought her up to one of the spare room's in the manor, and lay her gently down on the single bed. He took one look at the sore gash on her hand caused by his father, and lent down beside the bed.
"Give me your hand."
She flinched as he pulled out his wand and dragged it along her skin to heal the broken flesh.
When she calmed, she watched inquisitively, confused about how he had seemingly changed his tune from the disgusting words he had muttered alongside his father last night.

He surely wouldn't want to punish her after healing her like this?

It took her a few seconds to calm her nerves to speak again. "Where did you learn to heal like that, it's exactly the same way my mother taught me?"

"I don't know." He lied, wishing he could tell her the truth.

The truth being he swished his wand in exactly the same way she had that night at the Astronomy tower.

If he was to get her out of here, he would have to tell her eventually anyway. As she snuggled down into the warm bed, sleep stole her quickly. She couldn't help herself, she hadn't slept in a while it had seemed, and the frantic panic of being kept here had certainly worn her out. The cosy bed certainly made a difference from the cold mattress on the dark dungeon floor.

Draco finished healing her, until barely a scar was left, and slowly ran his fingers along her naked flesh.
"Sleep well." He whispered, watching her delicate curves move up and down with the steady pace of her breath. He pulled up the soft blanket from the bottom of the bed over her relaxed body. Then he retreated to the corner of the room and sat himself in an armchair, overlooking the bed. Protecting her. His heart rate slowed and he felt so much more at ease just watching her, calm and relaxed. This was such an improvement from her sorrowful cries that were echoing through the dungeons. Thank fuck he had got her out. Those sounds made him shiver just thinking about them. He didn't know why he ever listened to his father, he always held that control over him that just made him go weak at the knees- he hated it.

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