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7:45am Malfoy's dorm

Iris sleepily reached her arm over onto the bed, until she realised that Draco's warm hands were no longer wrapped around her, and his side of the bed was cold, and empty.
Looking around the room rubbing at her tired eyes, she realised, he had taken his wand.
He wasn't in the dorm anymore. So where the hell was he?

Loud banging on his door pushed her to sit up sharpish.
"Iris?! IRIS?! Are you in there?!"
It was Syd's voice. But why did she sound so panicked?
Why was she shouting?
Why was she banging on Malfoy's door?
Crazy panicked thoughts ran through Iris' mind, she knew something was wrong, and her eyes darted quickly towards the loud banging.
Iris sprung to her feet and unlocked the door quickly, her eyes struck sight of Syd. She was stood, breathless and troubled, in her robes and a school shirt that was stuck to her. Stuck to her skin with blood.

"SYD! What the fuck!" Iris' gasped as she glanced over the blood on her shirt, grabbing onto her shoulders tightly.
"Relax." Syd breathed trying to catch her breath.
"It's not mine."
"What's going on?" Iris spoke with a shaky voice and worried eyes, gripping at Syd's shoulders tighter.

"It's happening Iris. War. St Mungo's hospital has been attacked by death eaters. Hogwarts is next."

Iris shook with fear as she realised where Malfoy had gone, and how he had left her without even saying goodbye.
She was wondering if he was even alive, perhaps Voldemort had even killed him before the war had started. She shook her head violently and her eyes pricked with tears.
"We have no time." Syd uttered, "You're a talented healer. We need your help with the casualties in the hospital wing. Before the death eaters enter the castle."
Syd grabbed Iris' hand before she could have a second thought, and squeezed her palm before pulling her into a run toward the hospital wing. Iris looked towards Syd's worried expression as they ran, hand in hand, down the winding corridors.
"We are going to be ok? Aren't we Syd?" Breathless she muttered, "Everything's going to be just fine."

Iris hadn't believed Syd's warm words, and couldn't help but picture Malfoy's gorgeous face in her head. She wondered if he was scared, or if he was alone, if he was in pain.
She wondered why he didn't say goodbye.
Didn't she deserve a goodbye?

As Syd pushed open the double doors, Mcgonagall stood in the entrance, wand in hand, and Iris gasped at the sight of the busy hospital wing.
"Elledge? You are sure Miss Banks is truly here to help?"
"Yes Professor Mcgonnall." Syd nodded leading Iris in. She assumed that Mcgonagall was being wary of any members of the Slytherin house.
"Very well. Elledge you may help Slughorn with some healing potions, and Banks, since you aren't a bad healer, could you give Madam Pomfrey a hand."
Iris nodded, her face still in shock from the view of hundreds of casualties littered around the hospital floor.
Some she had believed to be dead, with sheets draped over them. Some just lay in bed, or sat on the floor, clutching at bleeding injuries. The death eaters certainly didn't hold back from using nasty curses.
"We don't have long."
Mcgonagall shouted into the hospital wing.
"You must work quickly."

8:00pm Malfoy Manor

Draco had been summoned to the Manor, and had spent the entire day wasting away under the existence of his fathers grooling attitude.
Draco had also spent many hours trying not to mention to his father about the whole 'getting together to scheme with Parkinson and try to sabotage his- well whatever him and Iris were.'
The thing is, he knew his father, although he was angry at him, he was the one person he couldn't face to stand up to. It would be better for him to pretend the situation had never happened. And of course forget that Iris had ever existed.

Tonight he would have no choice but to attend a meeting with his fellow death eaters and of course the Dark Lord, at his request.
His mother had hardly spoken to him since he had arrived, they used to speak lots, but he couldn't help but think that she was scared. Scared for his father to once against scrutinise her for being too soft on him, that he was not just a boy anymore that he was now a man who was a loyal servant to the Dark Lord. His mother had always been the one person in the manor to calm his anxieties, and now that she spoke barely more than a few words to him, the Manor had felt even more lonely than it usually did.
It wasn't a home anymore, it was large and rich, but dripping with dark magic. It would suck you in from the cold stone walls and make you curse under your breath, it certainly effected your head, thoughts and feelings. Draco was beginning to go mad after just being at the Manor for a day.

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