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One week later
5:00pm Safehouse

A week had passed. One long painful week. One week since the Wizarding war had finished with the Dark Lord's painful death.

You would think a week since the war had been won that celebrations would still be underway. But, for Iris and Syd alone in the safehouse, they hadn't really had the chance. Not too even take it in properly.
Worse still, she hadn't heard from Malfoy. And she had plenty of time to think up every worse possible scenario that could've happened to him.
So for someone who's a serial overthinker, that's a lot of scenarios. With Iris, the silent treatment certainly didn't bode well. She knew it had to be done though.

She was sat on the kitchen side, clutching her knees and staring out at the golden streams of orange and red as the sunset slowly over the field of wheat. Golden flecks lighting up the kitchen side. Syd was taking a nap in the opposite room. Today she'd not been quite herself, they both hadn't really, energies radiated off each other- always had done, ever since that first day at Hogwarts.
Syd had been talking a lot about Blaise today, it was clear to see how much she cared for him, but how she knew his actions that night proved that he wasn't really all about her.
And if anybody deserved someone that was all about her, it was Syd.

Iris had Malfoy's letter folded and tucked into the corner of her bra, mainly when she wanted to remind herself that he would come back for her. She held it in her hand again. Tried to keep her mind away from the prying bad thoughts that told her Lucius had probably found something out and finished off his own son.
Unlikely, but? Impossible? No.
So there, the thought lingered. Until she could read through his letter for the one hundredth time, and distract those niggling over-thinking thoughts.

Life at the safehouse so far had given her lots of time to think. Whether good or bad, she had time. It was a shame that now the time was running away with her and her mind was starting to delve off into a dark place.

She had forgotten what her mind used to be like, before she met him.

A mixture of crying, wanting a drink, a cigarette or a spliff. And trying to draw her head out of her overthinking, replaying trauma cycle it seemed to get back into after a while. Except she had none of the above to distract her. God she could do with a cigarette.
She immediately remembered what he had told her at the manor when she had so politely asked for one, 'no, bad for you.'
Thoughtless prick.
He really was a fucking prick with all his 'possessive not even letting another boy stare at her' mantra.

But he was her prick. He loved her. Not a Theodore Nott obsession abusive kind of love, just love.
Raw, open, sexual love.

Godddd the fucking sex.... 
Her mind was running away with her as she imagined him putting her in about every sexual position imaginable. Her heartbeat between her legs was definitely making itself known.
She was clutching at the necklace now without even noticing, she would never take it off.

Well maybe one exception.
That being if Draco were to rip it off her with raw anger and sexual thrill. But then again when he was in one of those moods, (seemed to be often) she would let him do practically anything to her.

When the heartbeat between her legs softened she clambered down from the side, tucking the letter back into her bra.
She poured some pasta, enough for two, into the pan of water and boiled it over the stove.
Humming a tune she chopped up some tomatoes and onions, sprinkled in garlic and cheese.
Syd needed a nice home cooked meal, especially since she'd been living off noodles and coffee the last few days.

When it was ready she brought the bowl into Syd who was snoozing on the sofa.
"Wake up." She nudged her and Syd awoke slowly.
"What have I told you about waking me up fuck face!"
Iris laughed and Syd grinned too before she handed her the bowl. "You need to eat, something proper."
"Ooo looks lush. Thanks sugartits."
Iris laughed before sitting down and tucking into her own bowl.

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