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6:30pm dorm room

Iris had spent the whole day in a depressive mess rustled up in her bed after the events of yesterday.
She couldn't quite believe she had told Draco everything. She hadn't told Sydney that she'd told him yet, she didn't really want too. She knew how Sydney would worry, and tell her how she was one step closer to speaking out about her story.
The truth was, Iris was not close to revealing her story at all. Something about Draco just made her want to tell him.

Draco had dropped her back at her dorm to Sydney yesterday, and the girls had both cried into each others arms as Syd was worried she had tried to do something to hurt herself.
She spoke to Syd briefly. About why she had ran off, but she didn't really feel the energy to explain to her in every detail. Syd had ordered them pizza that night, and they had both spent the rest of the day tucked up in bed, as they had spent the whole of today doing.

Syd had smoked a lot in the last few days, Iris counted nearly 30 cigarettes loose in her ashtray. Tonight Syd was meeting up with Blaise, and Iris insisted she would be fine in the dorm on her own, that actually it might be nice to have a little time to herself.
"You sure your going to be ok?"
"Syd just go! See Blaise! You're going to be late!"
Syd smiled as she plumped and pushed at her hair in the mirror.
" I won't be long Iris."
Although it came out soft and sad rather than her usual bright bubbly self, Iris could tell she was worried about leaving her - she really didn't want another reason to feel guilty.

And so Iris lay, in the dimly lit room, snuggled into her bundle of blankets. She thought about putting some music on before a certain somebody stomped back into the dorm.
Pansy. Ugh. Exactly what she needed.
She hadn't  seen her since she had left them walking into Hogsmeade. She hardly thought she would be worrying where she had run off too.

"Hey loser."
"Parkinson." Iris replied with a roll of her eyes.
"Me and Astoria are hanging here for a bit. Try not to get in our fucking way."
Iris nodded with no energy to fight back, and rolled onto her side, her back facing Pansy as Astoria knocked onto the door and walked in to sit on the sofa, completely ignoring Iris in her bed.

Astoria and Pansy greeted each other before Pansy began to gloat to Astoria, Iris couldn't help but listen in as soon as she heard his name.
"Did you hear about Malfoy?" She proudly stated to Astoria.
"No what about him?"
"Apparently this morning he got into a fight with Theodore Nott in the great hall."
Iris jumped slightly as the words replayed themselves in her head.

What the fuck was Malfoy doing.

"Yeah it got really nasty. Theo was on the floor like covered in blood. Apparently he had he nose broken in 3 places."

"I thought Malfoy was ok with Theo?" Astoria questioned clearly confused.
"So did everyone. Blaise told me it was completely out of the blue, it was like he triggered something inside of him. Apparently Nott didn't even say a word to Malfoy."

"That's so strange. Have you heard from Malfoy since?"

Iris felt her hands begin to shake under the duvet.

"Nope. No one has. Locked himself in his dorm as soon as it happened. All I know is that he's got detention with Snape this week. I bet Snape will let him off like he always does."
Astoria laughed, "That boys got it too easy."
Pansy laughed back, "He's so strong though Malfoy. Can't help but find the whole thing attractive."
Iris' blood boiled as she listened harder to their conversation. They knew nothing about Malfoy. He didn't have it easy.

"What's even going on with you and Malfoy, now pans?"

"Well you know what Draco's like. He's been fucking distant as always. We haven't spoken since our kiss the other night. You know- after spin the bottle."

Iris brought her hands up to her mouth. Her back still facing the girls, he had been kissing Pansy too?
How could she be so stupid!

This was Malfoy she was talking about and I don't know why she had expected anything more from him.
She knew one thing though, she was angry, she had to go and speak to him. About his fight with Nott, his kiss with Pansy, she needed to sort out this fucking mess.
She was so fucking stupid. She should've never opened up to him.
And with that she slipped out of the dorm as the girls continued gossiping. She only had one place in mind to go. Malfoy's dorm.

7:25pm Malfoy's dorm

Iris hesitated before knocking sharply on his dorm room door. She had to do this.
A few seconds passed before she heard a click and he opened the door. He was stood leaning against the door frame, looking down at her. Shirtless, with black bottoms on.
She couldn't help but let her jaw drop slightly as she took him in, his chiselled features looked mesmerising under the dimly lit lights. He was muscular but lean, his abs were sharp curves cutting into his chest. She couldn't help but let her eyes wonder further down before snapping them back up to his eyes, burning into her.

She remembered why she was there and the anger took her over, she pushed past him storming into his dorm.
"What the fuck is going on Malfoy!"
She huffed, staring at his confused expression.
"Can you just explain to me what the fuck is going on!" She shouted at him, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Are you fucking crazy?" He sneered down at her.

Her nostrils flared.
"You beat up .... Nott ... this morning? Do you want people to find out what he did to me?"

Draco sighed.
"He fucking deserved it. You can't deny that he's a nasty little shit and when I saw him this morning I couldn't help it, I acted on instinct."
He voice grew louder and angrier,
"So don't burst in here all fucking angry at me- I did you a fucking favour."
She took a step closer to him, her cheeks reddened.

"This is my story Malfoy. You have no right to get involved."
She laughed angrily.
"And that's not all, I've heard you've been sharing kisses with Pansy, whilst you've been touching me? Disgusting!"
She was screaming now.

"I understand you always said it meant nothing between us but I never thought you fucking meant it. How could you do this?"

Draco clenched his fists.
"When I told you it meant nothing Iris. I meant it." He spat at her nastily.

Iris' bottom lip wobbled as her cheeks reddened and she turned to storm out of his dorm.
As she walked closer to the door, Malfoy spoke.

"Iris stop. Don't."

"What is this Malfoy?! What the fuck do you want from me?" She shouted breathlessly, her heart beating through her chest.

He shouted angrily, red faced and out of breath.
With a sudden movement he pulled her close and dove down towards her lips with passion and anger, his hand snaking around her neck.

"I can't fucking stand you Iris banks."
He breathed in her ear and she shivered under his touch, her mind clouded with passion.

The next chapter is gunna be spicy :)
Let me know your thoughts so far!

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