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9:30am safehouse

Iris awoke with a beaming smile. She didn't quite know why, but it was probably because she was dreaming about him. The sun was streaming through the golden lines of wheat over her quilt and she lay content for a few minutes before deciding to hop into the shower.
The warm water sliding along her skin just reminded her of him, she could almost feel his long fingers gliding down her back.

Arching her curves into the warm droplets of water, she could feel the heat growing between her legs.
She imagined his hands rubbing up and down along her skin, the way that they would grip tighter in the places that he loved to squeeze.
The heat between her legs started to pulsate so heavily that she couldn't ignore it. Slowly but surely, she worked her hand down towards it and started to rub gently. Leaning against the wall of the shower, the steamy water lathering her naked flesh. She hesitated before rubbing at her clit, that was so eagerly throbbing under her touch.

She started with small circles, just like Draco did, and then worked faster, sending heavenly spikes of pleasure through her body.
Iris vividly imagined his hands tightly gripped on her lower hips as he delved his face into her. She loved the way he flicked his tongue in and out, he could get it so deep and twist it against her most sensitive spots.
Imagining his tongue inside her she let a soft moan leave her lips, before taking three of her fingers and deciding to push them inside her wet entrance. She was dripping immensely, and could feel herself throbbing against her hand.

God was she fucking craving him.

His soft tongue was lightly stroking her clit, before he shoved his face further into her and his tongue worked quickly to lap up her juices, licking out her insides.
He would moan into her pussy and then vibrations would cause her nipples to harden further as she became close.

She tried to hide the moans that were escaping her mouth as she worked her fingers deeper between her folds, imagining that it was his tongue instead of her fingers. Her nipples were hard and throbbing under the hot steam, breasts moving with each movement of her fingers curving further inside. Hitting at just the right spot.
It was hardly a few seconds later and she could feel herself getting closer. With every moan and every rub of her arm against her clit.
'Draco...' she moaned out softly, his name almost came naturally to her when she was so close.

'Did I say you could cum yet?'

Iris moaned again but couldn't contain herself, as her breathing began to slow and she watched the warmth drip down her legs. Leaning her body weight against the wall, she sighed and continued to use the water to wash over her skin. God did she miss him.

Finally finishing up in the shower, she dried her body and looked solemnly back at her reflection. Brushing through her hair, today she had picked a white dress out of the draws, and a loose knitted green jumper to hang over her shoulders and keep her warm.
Iris and Syd had hardly ventured out of the chalet, but today Syd had mentioned that she wanted to go a collect a few raspberries. There seemed to be a few bushes that you could just see from the kitchen window. Iris still felt uncomfortable about leaving though, and really didn't feel as if she had the energy. Always feeling sick thinking about what Draco was having to do. If Lucius had believed his lies.

Iris wondered into the kitchen which caused Syd to flick her head around from some washing up she was doing in the sink.
Syd frowned at Iris' tired and sleepy expression.
"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." She laughed.
"Something like that."
"This is bound to take your mind off it. I've made porridge with a shit ton of honey and some of the fresh raspberries I picked."
Iris smiled and sat down.
"I picked them when you were in the shower, which was ages by the way, it was nice to be outside again."
Iris blushed slightly and then smiled.
"Good because I'm starving!"

The girls bonded over the frosty morning and the cosy chalet, to which Iris had lit the fire in the lounge with her wand. They were sat around it, snuggled in the sofas, chatting at chomping at spoonfuls of burning porridge. Sweet and delicious.
Iris decided that she might investigate the small bookshelf today. She wouldn't mind a spot of light reading to stop her from going completely mad with worry.

A sudden knock on the small wooden door caused them both to slam down their porridge and to raise their wands in front of them, turning their faces towards each other with confusion.
"Who the fuck is that?" Syd whispered, to which Iris shrugged with anxiety.
"You don't think... Lucius-
"No, no way. There's not a chance that he-
Another loud bang caused the girls to jump and Iris creeped toward to door, her wand out in front of her.
"I'll answer."
Syd stood behind her, watching her unlock the door closely.

As the door opened, Iris sighed and retreated her wand back to her pocket.
"Sorry." She sighed out, "We are a little wary."
The small house elf stood with a smile and held out his hand to shake.
"Not to worry Miss Banks. I've been sent by Mr Malfoy. My name is Lokey."
Iris leaned forward to shake it.
"I'll be bringing you your supplies whilst you stay."
"Do you- do you know if Draco's ok?"
"Lokey isn't really supposed to discuss those matters with you. Master Malfoy said it is better the less you know. In case Master Lucius is to come."
Syd leaned forward, curious.
"But what about the war, can you at least tell us how it's going?"
"Lokey is just here for supplies." The house elf pulled out a large basket, and Syd opened it eagerly. It was fulled to the brim with more food. Fresh breads and fresh fruit and vegetables, Rice and pasta. Tea leaves, coffee.
Wrapped up right at the bottom, two knitted cardigans lay. "Lokey knitted them himself. A warming charm intertwined. Mr Malfoy said the weather might get colder." He smiled and the girls smiled back.

"How often will you come?" Iris asked.
"Weekly." Replied Lokey with a stiff tone.
"Mr Malfoy said you may request items within reason."
"This should do us for now." Iris replied with a smile. And Syd leaned over her shoulder, "Maybe paints and paper because I'd like to start that again."
Lokey nodded. "I'll see what I can do Miss Elledge."
Syd wondered away from the door, the basket in her hands, before Iris spoke again.
"Will you tell Draco that I love him?"
"Well Mr Malfoy did say for Lokey to keep it quick and not personal. More chance of getting caught you see."
Iris sighed, "Okay. But at least try."
"Lokey will try Mrs Banks."
"Lokey has something to give you before he goes. It's from Mr Malfoy."
Iris gasped with excitement before he handed her a letter. Sealed with the classic D.M wax seal. Iris smiled and held it against her chest.
"Can I give you one for him?"
"No. Mr Malfoy said it would be too dangerous."
"Lokey really should be going now."
Iris looked down at the letter before back up to the house elf that clicked his fingers and disappeared in seconds. Iris looked at the space sadly, before shutting the door and running back inside to land herself on the bed. She opened the letter and eagerly read it.

Then she read it though again, and again, and again.
Until she had exhausted every letter on the page.

She was so glad that so far Lucius had seemed to believe it, but so worried about Draco and the others at Hogwarts fighting in the forbidden forest. Pondering over if she thought Voldemort would really be able to kill Potter.
And Draco would be fighting on the bad side, obviously, would have to kill people. She was so upset that he wouldn't let her send him a letter back, but this would have to do for now. Resting her hand on her pillow, she sighed and traced the tip of her fingers over his writing. She knew that even if Lokey didn't tell Draco that she loved him, it didn't matter, because she knew that he was aware.

Iris prayed to herself that Draco would be able to send her another letter with an update, the suspense was already killing her inside.
Please let him be ok.

Sorry if this chapter was shorter or not as exciting :(
Thanks everyone for reading and being so sweet I love u all !!!
( Also can we pls make it acceptable and known that it's completely normal for girls to masturbate too? )

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