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8:00pm Malfoy Manor

Lucius was pulling Draco down the stairs, a tight grip around his wrist, anger practically oozing out of his skin.
"You are coming with me Draco. From the day you took your Dark Mark you sacrificed yourself to him and so that means if you die tonight it will be worth it." The words if you die tonight echoed throughout his bones, "I believe the Dark Lord wants to see more of you Draco. You need to prove yourself, will you?"

"Get your hands off me." Draco shook off his fathers grip, "Yes I will."
"As soon as we get back to the Manor I'm having you marry that girl as your reward."
"Parkinson of course. Who else."
Draco sharply breathed in, catching Narcissa's flashing glare of worry from across the room.

"Lucius I think it's important Draco makes his own decisions with-
"Hush Narcissa. Parkinson is a perfect pureblood companion for Draco. Once this is all over it will be nice to have a big celebration, that would be enjoyable for you boy wouldn't it?" He slapped Draco hard on his back and he looked down at his feet.
"Father I don't think-
"Draco I am offering to pay for a fucking wedding. After we are finished by the Dark Lords side we shall have her round for a meal."

He paused before continuing, "That will be nice won't it Narcissa? You've always enjoyed hosting."
"Lucius I don't think it's a great idea that-
"Let's head down to the forest. The Dark Lord is already on his way. And my decision is final. I only want the best for you boy."
Lucius walked to the front of the Manor to apparate, each step hard and sharp. Narcissa flashed Draco another worried look before following behind Lucius.
'I'll try to sort it.' She mouthed and Draco nodded thankfully, following behind the pair. How the fuck was he going to get out of this one? He was lucky that he now had his mother on side, and that her blood ideals were beginning to change to much like his own.


A quick flash of blue magic and they landed in the middle of a group of death eaters, in the depth of the forest. Draco looked ahead to see the Dark Lord stood at the front of the group, laughing and riling everyone up. He looked over to his mother and her hands were shaking, but she put on a brave face and stood beside her husband and sister Bella.
"Ready Cissy?" Bella snarled before following the Dark Lord forward and moving metres closer towards the group of order members. To which Potter stood in front.

Draco hated Potter but the idea of him dead made him feel sick to his stomach. The thought of Voldemort running the Wizarding world was truly terrifying.
He was good at defensive spells, that would have to be his strategy, not wanting to harm members that Iris would've been stood beside. God he was glad she wasn't stood there, that she was safe.

Spells shot wildly around Draco's head, Voldemort and Potters duel though taking centre of attention. Nagini sliding around Voldemort's feet in an attempt to protect him. Draco flew a few defensive spells back and fourth, to avoid his fathers narrowed suspicious gaze. His mother was seemingly doing the same, however Lucius and Bella were getting more involved, throwing torturous curses around without a second thought. Knocking students flying.

The fighting continued for another hour, and Draco was tired of it, him and his mother desperately watching each other's backs for Hogwarts students he'd spent the last 7 years with. Hogwarts students he didn't even particularly want to fight. Teachers that had more influence on his life than his father ever had. Even fucking McGonagall as much as he tried to deny it.
It was all flashing in his head, the screams and shouts echoing throughout the forest, but nothing was as loud as his thoughts. He didn't want to do this. But he knew he had to convince his father, and seemingly so did Narcissa. His head was banging, and his ear bleeding down his neck with a curse that had just narrowly avoided him. His arm ached deeply after being outreached across his body for so long.

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