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4:10am Malfoy Manor

"You've been seeing that half blood girl haven't you. You've been back to see her."
He stepped closer to Draco's shaking hands and narrowed his eyes with anger. Clutching at his wand intertwined between his fingers.

Lucius voice grew louder and louder as he looked down at Draco.
"I thought I put an end to whatever you both had. Do you not understand what Voldemort will do if this information came back to him? YET AGAIN PUTTING THE MALFOY NAME IN DANGER."

Draco's face reddened with anger and he clenched his fists as he looked toward his father shouting back at him. He had truly fucked it. His father had finally admitted pretty much to the whole letter thing, yet it didn't change a thing, he still couldn't force himself to stand up to him.

"Pansy's been keeping me updated on you two. I thought I better keep a close eye on you. And would you look at that, putting our family in danger to go and see her in the middle of a war. I forbid you to see her again. And- and I want to talk with her."
Lucius seethed with anger, his voice was quieter, but still just as snappy, and he rose his wand to Draco's neck, as a small smile crept along his lips.
Draco looked un-phased, he had had enough.

"I won't fucking let you talk with her. I won't see her again. It's no big deal, she means nothing to me. That is the end."
Lucius stuck his wand further into Draco's neck, before opening his mouth to reply.
"Let me tell you something my boy. When the death eaters make their way into Hogwarts, I will speak with her and find out if you are lying. I shall use my power of Legilimency to read her mind and find what's truly been going on with you two. Then when I am done I will, shall we say, dispose of the half blood. The banks family isn't it?" Lucius quirked his head to the side with his new idea to use his legilimency skills to truly discover if his son was lying to him about what was going on.
Draco's face dropped as he realised what his father was planning.
"There's nothing going on between us. You can find her and enter her mind. It won't bother me. You'll find nothing."
Draco replied cooly, deciding to deny any knowing of what was going on with Iris, and then perhaps, his father would forget about finding and interrogating her at Hogwarts. He couldn't think of anything worse. He had to protect Iris and he knew this whole fucking thing was a bad idea, right from the start. He should've left her the fuck alone. He always ruins things, hopefully this wouldn't ruin her.

"Fine then."
Lucius lowered his wand from Draco's neck and straightened his long suit jacket. The dark corridor of the Manor closed in around them.
"I shall dig her out at the battle of Hogwarts, if you insist. And as you say, I shall find nothing useful inside that head of hers. Problem solved."
Draco gulped and then nodded.
What the fuck was he going to do? He had hardly even a day to think about it before the death eaters were going to enter Hogwarts, all he knew was that he had to get to Iris before his father. She was not skilled in occumenacy, and he doubted that she would be able to keep a man as powerful as his father out of her head.
Lucius raised an eyebrow and with a quick swish of his jacket turned around to head towards his quarters of the manor. He had to discover truly, what this half - blood girl meant to his son. Had he been lying after all? He couldn't wait to use his Legilimancy on her. And more importantly, couldn't wait to serve the Dark Lord in the battle of Hogwarts.

Draco watched his father walk away and turned on his heel towards his bedroom. Shutting his door slowly behind him, he lay himself on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. Pondering over his recent interaction with his father, and of course the girl he missed the most. A tear rolled down his cheek.
At least he had been able to say goodbye and give her the necklace.
He hoped that she would listen to him and run, get herself away from the fighting, but he knew her, and he knew she wouldn't. As long as he got to her before Lucius, then it should all be ok. He had a small idea of what he could do to protect her, of course he wished he didn't have to, but it was his father and he knew he wouldn't back down. Deep down, he knew that his father didn't believe him.
Draco's grey eyes blinked twice slowly, before shutting for a while, to whip up a few hours of sleep before a big day tomorrow.

9:35am Draco's room

The morning came fast, and although Draco had only managed a few hours of sleep, it had definitely helped. He awoke reaching over to his side, where she used to sleep, before quickly retracting and bursting back into reality, sad eyes springing open for a longing of his lips between hers.
He trudged downstairs after a quick shower, a house elf was whipping up some breakfast as he sat down opposite his mother.
"Sleep well darling?" Narcissa questioned, sipping at her coffee.
"Yes." Draco mumbled, although she could tell by his tired eyes that he certainly had not. He wondering if Lucius had told her of his plan to find Iris at the war. He assumed not, as she probably wouldn't approve of such a violent invasive approach.
Lucius burst through the doors, a whiskey in hand, he looked tired and to be honest, a bit of a mess.
"The Dark Lord has requested that we meet at 8 tonight. All of our dark magic will be used and we will enter into Hogwarts."
Draco avoided eye contact with every bone in his body.
"Very well." Narcissa nodded at her husband.
"We will arrive with apparation?"
Lucius nodded and slammed his glass quickly on to table before sliding out of the dining room. Narcissa jumped at the sudden noise.
"I am getting some rest before we leave. Tell the house elves they will not wake me." His voice trailed off, and Draco stared at his mother quickly and then down onto the empty table.
So, it was happening tonight then.

9:00am dorm room

Iris awoke quickly and suddenly, She had horrible nightmares. Her hands crawled their way to her neck and she clasped onto the gold necklace Draco had given her last night.
Looking over to her side, she noticed that Syd was sleeping in the bed without Blaise beside her. He must of slipped out this morning.
With a sudden sigh Syd sat up and flumped her arms down.
"I can't get back to fucking sleep." She moaned rubbing at her eyes. "I was trying but now I know your awake I definitely can't. Suppose we should be awake to help the professors anyway."
Iris nodded with a sleepy smile, "Morning Syd."
Syd cracked open the window ajar and a soft breeze ran up Iris' legs, she pulled her duvet tighter around her.
Reaching over to her lighter, Syd lit a cigarette and let it sink between her lips, wrapping her blanket around her shoulders.
"Blaise left around 8 ish this morning." She announced, the cigarette still between her lips.
"Want one?" She pointed to her mouth.
"Go on then." Iris sat up and lit her own, her duvet curled around her body.
"He wanted to go and check on his mates. Fair enough I guess. I don't really know his views on the Dark Lord, we've never really spoke about it." Syd admitted with a shrug of her shoulders. Iris nodded at her best friend and blew a line of smoke out of the corner of her mouth.
"At least you know he isn't a Deatheater." Iris joked, although her smile quickly faded, "Although Malfoy got forced into it. I know he wouldn't want me to say that, but, fuck it. I don't want you to think that my type in guys is only death eaters with daddy issues."
Iris and Syd laughed together, thankful that they could both still lighten up despite the day that was clearly going to be a difficult one.
"Oh Iris!" Syd grinned, "If you trust Malfoy then always know that I do too."

They both finished a quick smoke and shared a hug, Iris tried to remove Blaise's little stunt from last night out of her head. It was really not important right now. And god she could tell Syd needed Blaise right now, something to take her mind of things.

As they pulled out of the hug Syd's eyes willingly connected with the hanging emerald around Iris' tanned neck. She knew that rich taste anywhere. Syd walked her eyes up to Iris' and she shook at her shoulders.
"Malfoy came back? Did he give you that?"
Iris nodded. "I wasn't going to say because it was really dangerous for him, could've easily been killed coming back here. Being a death eater and all that. Just said he wanted to say goodbye properly."
Iris eyes grew sad at the thought, and Syd pulled her into another loving hug.
"That's so nice of him Iris. You know? It's going to be ok."
"Really?" Iris muffled into her best friends shoulder.
"I know it is. Malfoy is strong, god we all know that, he'll be okay. And so will we." They pulled out of a hug and Syd wiped at Iris' wet cheeks.
"C'mon enough waterworks missy. Let's get ready and see if there's anything we can do down in the great hall to help Mcgonagall."

Iris had felt better after she had told Syd about Malfoy's forbidden visit to see her in the middle of a Wizarding war. Her best friend always knew exactly what to say to make her feel better. She didn't know what today would hold, but she did know that You know who's army weren't far away from getting into Hogwarts.

They certainly didn't have long to try and prepare and protect the school they loved so deeply from being destroyed.

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