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TW: Blood

6:00pm Alnerwick

It was Blaise.

But not only Blaise, he was walking toward the door with pain scratched onto his face, a limp Narcissa hanging in his arms.
Her eyes were open, but she was crying with pain, hardly moving, blood trickling down from her head and hair sticky with blood. It had soaked dark red all through her black dress.

Draco ran to the door and swung it open, his face scrawled up with pain and sudden panic as he met eyes with Blaise and then his crying mother.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

"What the fuck." Draco hissed under his breath taking his mother instinctively from Blaise's arms with a short nod of thanks.
No time to ask questions.

As he brought her into the room the girls took a step back, practically all gasping in unison as they lay eyes on her.
Narcissa's arms were flung loosely along Draco's body, her eyes watering and squinting with pain as he placed her down on the sofa.
Small groans escaped her mouth as she moved her hands to clutch at the pool of blood around her waist, soaking through her dress drastically.
Without a thought Draco kneeled beside her, his face a picture of panic as he whipped his head around the room clueless and searching wildly for a solution.

Blaise moved to the other side of the room, grabbing a kitchen towel and holding it on Narcissa's head- but the blood was already soaking through and Iris could feel her eyes filling with tears at the sight.
It was just awful.

She knew healing, it was her passion- and this wasn't looking good in terms of spells. She was too far gone.

What the fuck.

"Look at me, look at me."
Draco breathed as he slid his hand in hers,
"It's going to be fine, ok?"

Narcissa nodded slightly but rolled her eyes back and then winced with pain as she did so, looking into her sons eyes with torment.
Draco gripped her hand tighter and looked up to Blaise, his friend he hadn't seen in months, but there definitely wasn't time for re introductions.

"What the fuck happened?"

Blaise rubbed his head, face screwed up with pain as he recalled the story breathlessly,
"I visited to try and reinforce the lie you were staying at mine. To check on her. But I found her, like this. I was- was too late. Lucius found out. They had a duel. It was your father, he- he did this."
Then he paused with a stammer, "This was the first place I could think to bring her."

Draco's eyes welled up again and suddenly he couldn't breathe. Looking at his mother collapsed beside him and everything was dreadful.
His anger couldn't even be put into words.
His father had ruined everything and now he'd duelled with his mother and she was lying practically dead in front of them.
As much as he was shocked, nothing his father did tended to shock him anymore.
Draco's hands shook violently in his mother's.

"Father, he- he did this to you?"
He stroked along the side of her face to wipe a line of blood out the way that was heading for her tearful eyes.
"Yes. I'm sorry Draco. He hit me with several-
She winced with pain before continuing,
"-curses. I wasn't strong enough. But- but he still doesn't know you're here so it's ok."
She smiled weakly at the knowledge at least her son would be safe.

Draco's tears dropped down his front and he felt Iris' warm hand place itself onto his shoulder for support.
"But it's not ok mum because look at you."
He swore under his breath and cried as Andromeda paced around the room with worry, before she lent over Narcissa's other side and placed her hand on her shoulder.
"You'll look after him for me?"
Narcissa breathed the question out slowly.
"Always." Ana choked out, a tear also sliding down her cheek.
She hadn't had time to reconvene with her sister and god did she wish she could've.
"You're a beautiful soul 'dromeda."
But his aunt could barely choke out the words to say thank you.

Draco turned himself around to Iris,
He begged,
"Your healing- She's, she's loosing so much blood. There must be something you can do Iris?"

"Draco I don't think there's anything she's-

"Please Iris-
Draco whipped his head around the room, desperate for a solution, but instead was met with a flash of broken expressions.
Iris shook her head, tears streaming down each cheek as she dropped on her knees beside him.

That was all he needed to know.
That was enough.
His father had taken just about everything away in his life.
Now his mother was next.

He frantically grabbed at her, trying to touch and stop the blood from flowing in any way he could.
His whole world was being destroyed and all he could do was watch.
So he cried, he didn't often cry but really that's all he could do right now.
Her blood was in his hair from where he was leaning against her but he couldn't give a shit.
In fact everybody in the room was a useless mess. Most of them hadn't even ever met Narcissa.

Narcissa reached her hand out a little and placed it on Iris' and she smiled slightly.
"You really are beautiful."
A soft tear ran down her cheek as she listened.

"Thank you for everything you've done for Draco."
"Really Narcissa its-
"No," she spoke still softly but much more sternly now, "I mean it. You've shown him what it really means to love. And do continue to look after him and love him, because I can tell how much you mean to him. Thank you my dear, for just being here with him."
Iris smiled her shaking body a little unsure of what to say.
"There's not a single doubt in my mind that I won't always love him."

Narcissa smiled at her reply, trying not to look at the blood as Blaise continued to dab at her forehead.
She turned her head slightly to Draco who was kneeled beside her,
"Will you promise me something my darling?"

"Anything mother."
Draco snuffled out, hardly able to form a word.
His hands fumbling over hers.

"You won't- won't, try and seek revenge from your father. Just- promise to stay away."

Draco nodded slowly, uncertain.
"I promise."
Narcissa smiled.
"You are so handsome my son. You know- whatever you do in life you'll make me proud." Another tear rolled down her cheek, her eyes puffy and red, "Keep ahold of Iris. She's a good one."
Draco smiled sadly and tilted his head and then nodded.
Of course he would, Iris was about the only good thing he had left.

"I hate him mother. For doing this."
She shook her head, before slowly wincing with pain,  "Never hate Draco. Never hate."

He could see her beginning to get slower, each word trialing off quietly, her eyes blinking heavier.
Draco was watching her drift away before his very eyes and there was nothing he could do.
"I love you, always."
"Forever Draco. I'll love you forever."

Calmly, she resisted against the pressure to stay alive and let her eyes close naturally.
For the last time.

Her fingers around Draco's untensed and her body relaxed. Eventually she took her last breath.

But she died knowing the people around her were safe. That yes, Lucius might've ruined her life, but her son could still go on to live a great and noble one.
And forever she would owe Andromeda for that, forever she would be in debt.
Not only that, but of course Iris too. For changing his life, forcing him to see the struggle in true love. For sticking with him.
She would be in debt to Iris and Blaise for their kindness and friendship shown toward her son, which god knows he needed with a father like Lucius.

Narcissa loved them all and she died peacefully, knowing they were all well. That they all had each other.

All Draco felt was pain and it would never be the same again.
His mother was everything to him and now she was gone.

He wished he could swap places with her.
God did she deserve to live.

Narcissa Malfoy deserved to live.
Deserved more than what life had given her.

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