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12:oopm Malfoy Manor

All of it came back to her at once. Every smile, every kiss, every passionate moment.
Bright light was cascading through her memory, she lay frozen as those gaps in her mind were filled with just ones of him. Draco.

She could remember everything, like a sudden breath of fresh air.
They were kissing at a party, cuddling in his bed, then holding each other at the top of the Astronomy tower, she was telling him her story, and then he was telling his, then he was spinning her around outside in the snow, laughing, pinning her against the wall, and then holding her tight against his chest at the Christmas Ball. Then there was the necklace, and him telling her that she couldn't forget him wearing it, and god was he right. Her last memory of them before the final 'obliviate.'

She sprung forward up off the sofa and launched her body into his arms. He wrapped her in tightly, both with tears in their eyes.
"Oh, Draco." She whispered into his ear.
He pulled her back, millimetres away from her face and breathed, "Did it work? Do you remember?"
She hesitated for a few moments, rubbing her fingers over his cheeks and taking in every small detail from his face.

"Everything. I remember it all."
He sighed with relief that the reversal charm had worked. Then she frowned her eyebrows suddenly, "You had no right to remove my memories of us."
He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"I only did it protect you. My father would've killed you if he found those memories when he read through your mind."
She wrapped her arms tighter around his back and whispered as it all pieced itself together, "So that's why he brought me here? Not so much because I'm a blood traitor but because Pansy told him about us?"

"Yes. And of course he didn't like it."
It all clicked together in her mind, obviously when Lucius had used legilimency against her he was searching for memories of Draco. He pulled her in closer, taking a deep sniff of her honey scented hair. As much as he loved the shagging he had also missed her loving embraces.
He pulled her hand and walked her upstairs, she had so much to say but didn't even know where to start. She was just overwhelmed with glee that she finally had him back. Hand in hand. Desperately trying not to think about the future, she had to just think about the little time left they had together.

In those seconds, he flung her on his bed, pushing her down and holding himself up above her, carefully avoiding her sore wrist. They were grabbing at their warm bodies, frantically dipping each other's tongues in between silky lips. Hands were frantically racing all over each other's bodies but they weren't even trying to get naked, just grinding against each other, pinning her down as she desperately tried to lift herself up to grab at him.
The kissing was hot and passionate, warm saliva mixing together, as he bit hungrily at her bottom lip. His hands were over her breasts, squeezing before returning to her neck and face to focus on her lips.

Those fucking lips.

Hours they spent, his solid erection burning between his legs, just kissing at one another passionately.
When they finally stripped their clothes off, it had felt different than before. Well now, she could remember how much she loved him.
She ran her fingernails over his chiselled abs and he tilted his head back, rubbing his palm over his throbbing cock, staring at her luscious pair of tits and pointed nipples that were poking back at him.
Not being able to focus and contain himself much longer he bit his lip at the sight of her naked slit that was dripping wet for him, for the second time today, and he slid his large throbbing cock inside it.
She moaned and groaned, gasped with each stroke, that perfect mix of pleasure and pain. Bashing at her cervix and rubbing at her throbbing clit. He certainly knew exactly how to make her feel amazing. And her pussy was like a drug to him, he was thrusting aimlessly into her, and couldn't hold back his groans of pleasure.
"You... don't ... know ... what ... it's  ... like."

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