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12:00am hospital wing

Iris and Syd had been working for the past 15 hours, many wizards and witches had been healed and sent back, or students back to dorms, sadly many also didn't make it.
Mcgonagall and the other professors had spent most of the evening setting up more protective wards around the castle to try and keep the deatheaters away. Students were told to hide away in common rooms. The corridors were empty and dark, and she was tired. So so tired of seeing people in the state that they were in. To be honest, as bad as it had sounded, she hadn't thought of Malfoy all day. She simply didn't have time, and as soon as her mind had time to think, she would banish away the thoughts and make herself busy again.

"Girls. You have both been plenty of help today, please go back to your dormitories and get some rest." Mcgonagall smiled at the pair with tired eyes, Iris and Syd looked at eachother desperately.
"Please professor, we can help you with the wards?"
Syd pleaded, wanting to protect Hogwarts with every will left in her heart.
"No. I insist you must rest. That is an order."
Iris and Syd shrugged at each other and each gave Mcgonagall a quick hug, although not much for public display of affection she had seemed like she needed it.
Heading out of the doors they bumped into a certain caramel skinned Slytherin.


"I've been wondering where the fuck you've been all day." Blaise was breathing fast, and he pulled Syd into a close hug as Iris analysed his dirty clothes and face, a large gash cut across his cheek.
Syd pulled out of the hug and studied him, "Merlin! What's happened to you?"
"Me and a few of the other Slytherins were outside the castle grounds and ran into some snatchers. We tried to get away but couldn't. They took Pucey. It's so dangerous out there now."
Syd pulled him into another tight hug of reassurance,
"Me and Iris have been here all day helping."
Blaise's attention turned to Iris, "Do you know where Malfoy is?" He breathed lowly with a sudden thought.
"He- he left me this morning. I don't know where he is."
Blaise nodded with understanding and gave Iris a squeeze of her hand before gripping hands with Syd.
"Let's get you girls cleaned up and safe back in the dorm." Blaise breathed with a sigh.
"Iris you may need to help heel Blaise's face. Looks so sore." Syd noted as they walked. Iris nodded with a small smile as they made their way to the dorm.

Iris couldn't wait to get into the shower and clean herself throughly, dried blood stuck stubbornly over her skin after hours of healing. She supposed she wouldn't be able to sleep much, but at least the
thought of her bed seemed very appealing.

As soon as Syd unlocked the door she collapsed onto her bed, Blaise followed after removing his jacket and shoes.
Her best friend fell asleep bundled in blankets within minutes. In her clothes she'd worn all day, but Salazar knew she needed a good sleep.
Iris headed to the bathroom to remove her sticky clothes and jump in the shower. As the warm water ran down her face and back she couldn't help but feel Draco's arms sneak around her waist as they always used to do under the hot steam. It hadn't been long and she already missed him terribly. Wondering where Draco was currently, she imagined his warm lips under the hot stream of the water, his long fingers clasping around her neck. She wished to just hear him say her name again, even the way he said it dripped with sensuality and god he would have her begging for it in minutes. Blaise and Syd through the wall cuddling away made Iris' heart ache for some sort of affection. Especially after the day she'd had.
As she jumped out of the shower she slid on some tracksuit bottoms and one of Draco's large T-shirt's he had previously given her. God it still smelt like him.

Sliding her feet along the carpet, she snaked herself into her own bed and switched off the light, only a lowly lit candle on her table flickered lightly.
Blaise was clearly just resting his eyes and was not actually asleep. He snaked out of Syd's arms and placed himself on the end of Iris' bed.
"You mind fixing this?" He said with a small grin, pointing to his cheek.
"Oh yes of course. I totally forgot." Iris smiled and edged herself centimetres away from his face, flicking her wand up slightly to begin the healing process. Blaise didn't lift his eyes from hers the entire time, she worked gracefully to fix him up without a scar. She was concentrating, but he was concentrating on her.
He had always found her attractive, hell he could remember that one Slytherin common room party at the start of the year where Malfoy had told him to keep his hands of Banks and to move onto Elledge. Of course he had never looked back, but it didn't stop the idea from still dancing around in his head.

What would it be like to kiss her. Him and Malfoy had always practically shared everything anyway.

"There. All done." Iris smiled politely, pleased with her work.
"Thanks." Blaise smiled back.
"Hey, I've been meaning to say. Malfoy's a lucky guy. He always did get the best."
"Oh. Thankyou." Iris replied awkwardly, moving herself slightly away from his gleaming dark eyes.

Without a second thought Blaise leaned his body forward and closed his eyes towards her lips, her plump, rosy, soft looking lips. As he touched her lightly she jolted away.
"What the fuck are you doing?" She snapped with a whisper, whilst turning her attention to a sleeping Syd in the bed adjacent to her.
"Well... I just thought..."
"You just thought what?"
"That... well."
"That you're with Syd and I'm with Draco, and I would never fucking do that to her."
She wanted to say no to him, but the words simply wouldn't slip out her mouth.
She was so angry.

"Look Iris. I'm sorry." Zabini admitted clambering off her bed and towards Syd.
"It should've never happened. It was an accident." He continued.
"Your right. Let's just forget that ever happened." Iris replied quickly with frustration, her mind screaming as she thought about how he could do that to her best friend.
Knowing she couldn't make a big deal about it, because Syd needed him. Especially right now. That just made it harder.

Iris snuggled down into her duvet her eyes plastered wide open staring up at the ceiling. Her mind was driving her crazy with her own thoughts, going mad with anxiety. The 'bearly there' kiss they had just shared, she had sort of enjoyed. Probably because she was lacking in the physical affection she most desperately craved.

Blaise's eyes stayed wide open too, staring into the dark dorm room, pondering over the quick taste of her cherry lip balm he had so briefly enticed. He knew he wanted to be with Syd, but he couldn't help but let the mystery of Iris lay out in his head. The start of this war was already doing crazy things to his mind. He snuggled into Syd's shoulder and banished the thoughts of his most stupid recent actions out of his head.


Iris had briefly fallen asleep for no more than 20 minutes before she heard a loud tap of what sounded like something hard against the window by her bed. She awoke sleepily, her guard up with worry, and peered out of her window with curiosity.
Down in the grounds, staring up at her with wild eyes, stood a certain handsome blonde Slytherin. One she had most desperately desired.
He was stood throwing stones against her window. Malfoy. So effortlessly Malfoy. He certainly looked chuffed with himself.
Iris opened the window as a smile played on her lips, to see him safe and alive, staring gorgeously up at her under the moonlight, with a smirk. Just as he noticed her looking back.
"Draco!" She smiled down at him, and although she should be angry at him for the no goodbye, she knew they didn't have much time and that she had to savour every minute she could devour.
His smirk widened and he continued to throw a stone up in the air and back into the palm of his hand so effortlessly.
"Come here." Draco ordered with a sensual ease.
He certainly didn't have to tell Iris twice as she slammed the window, chucked on a big hoodie and leaped out of her dorm room.

One kiss from him could settle all her anxiety. She needed him, and god he needed her, her warmth in his arms, so so badly.

They needed each other and finally they would have it again, if only for minutes.

Thanks so much for reading so far! I appreciate it huge amounts! Let me know any thoughts you have as always <3

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