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4:00pm Malfoy Manor

Draco had spent the entire last few days talking to his father about Parkinson.
The person he least wanted to talk about, or think about, or have anything to do with. And his father wanted to know every little detail of the night- he was practically planning the wedding already.
Draco had decided he didn't think he could do it anymore, staying at the manor, he had to leave without a trace, had to see her, had to take his mother with him. Her plan had to come into play soon.

Parkinson was round again, this afternoon. But Draco refused to come down, stayed in his room and insisted to his father that he felt like shit. Pansy arrived with her father too, he watched her walk along the drive from his bedroom window, and Draco didn't have to think twice about what their fathers would be discussing.
He knew that time was running out, whilst his father was downstairs with the Parkinson's, Draco decided that he would speak to his mother.
Try to organise what the fuck was going to happen.

Draco pushed his light blonde hair out of his face and then clenched his jaw in frustration as he walked out of his room, quietly to avoid his father hearing from downstairs. He knocked quietly a few times, looking over his shoulder, before entering his mother's quarters of the house.
"Draco." She spoke quietly too, placing the book resting in her palms down, and then flicking a floor lamp on beside her. She crossed her legs in the armchair and ushered for Draco to come and sit beside her.

"You know why I'm here mother." He spoke sternly, "I can't bare to stay here any longer. You know who fathers with downstairs?"
Narcissa nodded, "Yes, I know."
"Then please mum. I need your help, I can get to Iris but then I don't know where to go? Where do I take her, permanently where father won't find us?"

"Draco, I think we should wait a little longer, journalists are still turning up and people will be asking questions and-

"Mother please. I wouldn't be surprised if he had me marrying Parkinson tomorrow."

Narcissa nodded, and he noticed that her face looked a little older, worried, the frown lines on her forehead a little deeper. Draco could tell how hard this was for her.
"Fine. We'll plan to go in the next few days."
Draco breathed out with relief but also worry.
This could also go dreadfully, dreadfully wrong.


"I've been in contact with my sister."


"No, absolutely not." A few seconds of silence and then-

"But you haven't spoke to her in years?" Draco twisted his head in confusion.

"I made mistakes. Rejecting her from the family was my biggest regret. She didn't deserve it, and so when I found out about you and Miss Banks, the urge to apologise to her was stronger than ever. So I wrote to her, she told me where she was living with Ted years ago, I never told anybody- but also I never had a use for it. Luckily she was still living there and received my letter."
Narcissa sighed before continuing,
"She replied within a few days. She was lovely, I wasn't even expecting a reply after what the family did to her. But she's happy, with Ted, she's not bitter. She is a better women than I."
A single tear rolled down his cheek, and Draco reached over to hold at her hand.

"She said she's living in a small village, a fair few miles off Hogsmeade. She said people are using it to integrate muggleborn witches and wizards safety into a private society. She said it's a place where everybody is safe, and accepted. A place where I suppose, is a secret to families like us."

Draco paused for a few moments, this could be perfect. A smile creeped across the side of his lips.

"Andromeda said there's spare cottages for us to stay in at the village, and she said she will look after us. If we are willing to risk it all. But Draco- people may still not accept us there, considering the Malfoy name and our past."

"It's a risk I'm willing to take Mother."

"Very well. I will let Andromeda know. We are so lucky to have her, it will be strange talking to her after all these years. But I look forward to it. I just hope we can convince the others living there that we want the same as them."

The room filled with silence, now Draco knew what was going on he was pleased but, scared. Scared of the reaction they would get. The Malfoy's were known for being the wizarding worlds most prestigious family of death eaters. His mother's sister after all is Bellatrix Black, currently on trial for a life in Azkaban.
And most of all he was fucking angry, angry that it had come to this. If they could stay at the Manor flooded in riches and the roses she loved then it would be easier. Whilst hating it, there was parts he enjoyed about the lavish lifestyle, showing up the petty Gryffindors was certainly one.
He didn't want to be around other people. Didn't know if he could control his anger, especially after Theodore Nott, and Blaise's attempt of a kiss, it was known that he could lash out. Especially when it was to do with her.

And he didn't want people around if he decided to eventually tell her about Pansy.

But, he was lucky.
Lucky to have his mother, and his mysterious aunt Andromeda, whom he'd never met.
He thanked his mother, creeping back across to his room once again, to wince at every footstep with the thought his father could be bringing Pansy upstairs.

12:00pm safehouse

Iris and Syd had been having a better day today. Syd had filled Iris with hope that Draco would of course be coming back. And Iris had been reading through the letters every night, they were pinned up against her window.
'I will come'

Every morning she wished for a new letter, but knew how difficult it must be to write, what with everything going on at the manor and post war. So all they could do was wait, wait for him to take them, wherever they would be going. Assuming Hogwarts still wouldn't be safe.
Strange how they had started seventh year and how it had ended. Never even got to finish it. Iris wondered if they would eventually go back. Although she was doubtful.

They were both sat outside the front of the chalet on a little swinging seat, wrapped up in jumpers. It had started to get a little warmer, a little lighter, but still had that fresh cold chill in the air that aroused goosebumps along their skin.
Syd was picking up rouge dandelions and blowing them into the air, laughing and watching them vanish.
"It's like being 11 years old again!"
"God I wish I was 11 years old again! - the year we started Hogwarts.
Syd shrugged, "Really does not feel that long ago. If we never go back there I am really going to miss it."

"I hope we get to go back- at some point." Iris smiled, running her fingers along the wheat beside her.

"Yeah imagine never getting to say goodbye to our doom room! I mean legendary things happened in that room- we both lost our fucking virginities!"

They both laughed,
"That's the best thing you can think of?" Iris replied with a giggle.
"Ok we.... fought with pansy-
And we- Oh- had that 3 night bender where I had to hold your hair back, I think a total of 27 times!"

"Oh shut it. Let's not go over that..." Iris laughed.

"And we- remember when we would skip transfigurations in fourth year to start smoking?"
Iris nodded with a smile and Syd continued,
"I mean the amount of all nighters and laughs we had at 5 am getting ready for breakfast or days at Hogsmeade..."
A few seconds of silence and they both smiled at each other, sadly.

"We'll find a way to say goodbye. I'm sure of it."
Iris confirmed, "Come on, let's make some lunch. I'm sure we've got some of that nice soup left."

Spending another lunch together was nice, but today they didn't feel the need for conversation. Instead they were both grateful that they could enjoy the silence. Thinking a little about the future, knowing life couldn't be stuck in this safe house forever.

Thinking about him, always about him.

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