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11:00pm west wing

Iris gasped suddenly, and brought her hands to her head which was painfully banging for attention. Her cheeks were damp and her eyes sore, but she couldn't recall why.
It was strange the feeling, a feeling of something missing. A feeling that something important had happened, or more importantly hadn't happened anymore.
She swirled on her toes, glancing around at the empty corridor with caution, the faint sounds of screams and spells in the background. Analysing. The feeling was strange, one of such emptiness, such loneliness.
Without really knowing why.

Before she could ponder on her confusion anymore, without a second thought she sprinted down the corridor, arms flailing about wildly.
The school was at war after all, and she needed to find her best friend- wherever the hell she was.

Something else was bothering her though, she couldn't quite put her finger on it.


Draco sprinted away in seconds. Before Iris had even opened her tightly shut dripping eyes. He was emotionally breaking down inside, his fists clenched with anger or perhaps overwhelming emotion.
God he loved her. And now he would never get the chance to love her again.
Draco ran down the stairs quickly, feet scratching at each stone step, still gripping tightly at his wand in an attempt to find his father or at least some other death eaters. Each step was one of panic.

His father would hate to think he was a skiving off, after all he had described this as a good moment for Draco to show Voldemort what he was made of.

He spotted from afar, heard his father first, a cackle of a laugh, holding his wand sharply against Luna Lovegoods neck. Draco gulped at the sight of him, pulling himself behind a pillar to quickly prepare himself. He peeped around again, with narrowed eyes, and watched his mother stood behind his father, she wasn't doing much but more watching his back. As she always did.
The air was hot and sticky, and so was his brow as he wiped it before returning his body safely out of their view. How long was he going to stand here, scared of his own family, it was just pathetic. He was so pathetic.

'You Draco. Will always be an embarrassment to the family, don't you ever forget that.'

He breathed in sharply. God he wished he could embrace her warm body. Longed for it.
He took a step forward closer toward where his parents were situated, hands shaking with anger at the thought of his fathers presence, and how he had no idea what he'd just had to sacrifice for him.

With a few more hard paces along the rubble, his eyes glanced over one particular dead body. With a closer look it seemed like it was still twitching, still a slight breath, and it caught his attention.
Their were plenty of bodies lying about but this one seemed different, it was the green of the Slytherin tie that persuaded him until he was stood looking over it.

Exempt it wasn't an It. It was a him. Theodore Nott. One of his sleeves was lifted up to reveal his dark mark.
So he really was one of them.
He was still breathing slightly, strange timing, his hand twitching. He had been hit fatally with a curse and fresh blood ran down from his head toward his knees. The sight of it made Draco feel violently sick.

Nott's eyes opened slightly and adjusted to the light,
"help me .... please malfoy."
His words were soft, hardly a whisper, ones of pain, a struggle to talk.

Draco chuckled to himself as he looked down at his broken body. For a split second he could see similarities between them both, but the difference was if he had done what Nott did to hurt Iris, then he would want to die. And Nott clearly didn't.
That made it worse. How could he not want to die?

"I hope you regret it. Laying your fingers on her. I hope it was worth it."
Malfoy spoke quietly, but with passion, eyes watering slightly as he watched Theo close his.

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