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12:30am Alnerwick

She looked fucking delicious in his humble opinion.
Her legs crossed, temptingly, the subtle bite of her plump lower lip made him hungry- as Draco's attention switched toward her flesh, calves to be exact, that were touching his trouser material with her legs draped across him.
The energy of her skin along his trouser leg was driving him crazy in the room full of people.
Room full of people that still hadn't noticed his cock that was growing ever harder as he watched her brush a single strand of hair away from her face.
He fucking craved friction.
Perhaps it would be dangerous, but perhaps also worth it.
Imagine if he could take Iris right under poor Elliots nose- how fucking tragic.

He adjusted himself, slightly, not much, and took another large sip of whiskey. Then, slowly, he moved his hand a little further up Iris' leg just to rest and then squeeze slightly.
She gasped not making eye contact with his smirk, sipping her wine before placing it down, intimidated by Draco's power to make her squirm.

Draco licked his teeth slowly, seductively, looking from her toes and pretty white heels, up her soft legs to her dress- perfecting her figure that lay beneath it.
He knew she was purposefully trying to ignore his eye contact so he ran his finger along his jaw and flicked her face toward him.
"Do you want this?"

Iris gulped. With no reply, eyes just melting under his narrowed grey glare.

"Look at it this way, do you trust me?"

Iris gulped again, her mouth slightly open.

"Then let me do this."

She gasped slightly, looking around at the room of people that were noisy, a few dancing, mostly contained in their own drunk bubbles as Syd continued to hand around more wine. Her hand on Nevilles shoulder, his snaked a little around her waist.
Iris gulped,
"Not here Draco."

He turned around and gestured to the kitchen table just a few metres behind the sofa they were sat.
A little more out of view sure, but still easily accessible and noticeable- attached onto the living room where the group was situated.
One careful look and they would see them.
See him fucking her to his hearts content.

One thing was for sure, if Iris was going to trust Draco with this, then they had to be very careful.
He slid his hand around the side of her face, the very thought of the risk from getting caught sending any remaining blood from his body to the head of his throbbing cock.
"If you think you can stay quiet?"

He whispered softly into her ear and she returned with a shiver. She always struggled with that, he just did something to her which made it almost impossible to not moan.
She nodded though, slowly, gently, her breath shaky with the thought. Her underwear was also damp, a cold pool between her legs that she was sure would start leaking soon.
With her nod, he knew he had her- and he was going to make her decision very fucking worth while.

A smirk around at the bunch that were clueless of the horny pair sat dripping for eachother, Draco got up toward the kitchen table and stood, resting forward with his hands on the hard wood.
Sharp eye contact at Iris as she peered over the sofa to look at him, before preparing herself and following his lead.
There was a wooden pillar separating the living room and kitchen area but they could still be seen from where Draco stood.
A little more hidden, but certainly still easy to see.

Iris approached him, still unnoticed by the group, her hand edging up toward her dress as her knickers had practically twisted up her wet slit with an attempt to gain some friction. She needed him to touch her so desperately.

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