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3:00am Alnerwick

"Oh Sydney Elledge I am not letting you go home in this state. At least sleep on the sofa!"

Syd groaned at her best friend grabbing onto her shoulders for stability, the rest of the party had packed up and gone and after a few bouts of spewing up her guts, Syd was well and truly still out of it.
"I thought I was done with hearing you and Malfoy shag all nightttt."

"Think we've done enough of that for one night..."
Iris giggled, kicking off each heel across the room.
Draco was sat watching the unstable pair, in the living room, his legs spread wide and his arms rested out over the top of the sofa.
Sydney gasped and covered her mouth with a laugh  and Draco nodded, "It's true. But doesn't mean I've had enough."

"If you had it your way we'd be going every hour."
"Twice every hour." Draco corrected with a smirk.

"Just stay!"
Iris was telling Syd now, and so she nodded- a quick hiccup and then collapsed herself onto the opposite sofa as Iris wobbled upstairs to find her some blankets and bring them back down.

Syd was asleep in practically seconds, a thin line of drawl escaping from her mouth.
Iris laughed at her best friend and then around at the house that really did look a terrible mess. Draco seemed to notice because he took her hand with a chuckle, "We'll tidy it tomorrow. C'mon sleepy."
He pulled her arm as she yawned and carefully walked behind her up the stairs, holding her waist as she tripped on nearly every step with only his hands around her to stop her from taking a terrible tumble.

As soon as she was upstairs, he placed her onto the bed gently and began to undress her.
Her eyes were tightly shut and she was out within seconds too, Draco couldn't help but smile to himself at her sleepy figure.
He pulled down her dress, sliding it down her back and off her legs, and then her knickers, (still soaked from the recent exchange.)
She was hardly stirring as he ran kisses across her naked body, starting at her neck and working all the way down to her toes. Rummaging in the draws he found a dark grey T-shirt of his and slid it over her head, which nearly went down to her knees as she continued to snuggle into the pillow.

Grabbing his wand he used a charm to remove her makeup. Leaving her fresh faced and natural as he began to get himself undressed. Looking at the clock that now read 3:40am. He could practically feel the hangover already. Ugh, certainly hadn't missed that from the Hogwarts Slytherin parties.
Clambering in beside her and shutting his eyes to feel her body relax onto his chest, he didn't think he'd ever be able to sleep alone again.
In fact- he knew he wouldn't.

12:10pm Alnerwick

Draco was sat downstairs after cleaning up the entirely of last nights mess, he certainly knew Iris wouldn't be up to it this morning. Besides, he wanted to take his mind off things.
He'd let Syd out early this morning and she had trudged round to hers wrapped in blankets and still feeling rather sick.
Topless, hair flopping in front of his face, looking out the kitchen window, a cigarette was hanging out his mouth- coffee in his hand.
Iris was still tucked up asleep until about 5 minutes ago where Draco had heard a couple of groans and then the shower start to go from upstairs. He'd barely been able to hold in his laughter.

Draco inhaled his cigarette deeply, just hitting the right place in his lungs that perhaps helped ease his pain a little. Or perhaps not.
The facts were, as much as last nights housewarming was a little distraction- his mother had still not returned.
As much as his Aunt Ana could try to convince him that she was strong and that she would come when it's safe, he'd had enough of waiting. He knew his mother, he knew her weakness and how capable his father was of getting them out of her.
Lucius was her sodding weakness and she was trapped in the manor with him, likely unable to leave with his beady eyes watching exactly where she was
apparating to.
His mother had gotten him out and he would be forever grateful and now he needed to return the favour.

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