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7:30am Malfoy's dorm

Iris awoke with a soft smile plastered onto her face as she realised where she was, she had spent the night with Draco, his muscular arm snaked around her hips.

She couldn't remember falling asleep last night but she must have drifted off after all the excitement.
Draco looked so peaceful, and she watched his chest move up and down, a slight frown still lingering on his forehead.

She suddenly sat up, with the realisation that she had actually spent the night with a boy that had kissed another girl just a few nights before. And Pansy, at that. She needed to get back to her dorm, Syd would be worried about her.
Her sudden movement in the bed stirred Malfoy and he opened his eyes slowly, a slight smile snaking onto his face as he took in her big blue eyes looking back at him, her messy hair and swollen lips.
With that thought she pushed herself out of Malfoy's bed, and pulled on her hoodie left on the floor at the side of the bed.

"Where you off too in such a hurry?"
He snapped back to reality.
"I need to get back to Syd," she huffed sadly.
"And we have charms class at 9:30."
He rolled his eyes, he had been hoping for perhaps some lazy morning sex.
"Go then."
He scoffed as he watched her slip her shoes back on and head towards the door with a sad smile, His eyes boared into her back as he watched her walk away, her arse did look fucking tempting.

She closed the door quietly before heading to her dorm, leaving Draco rubbing at his hard cock between his legs in frustration.
Draco stood up quickly and headed to the shower to get ready for his first class, charms, where he sat next to the one and only Iris Banks.

He scoffed to himself as he thought about how he couldn't stay away from her, the sex was certainly worth it he had discovered from last night.
Warm water poured down onto his hair and face as he washed away what he felt like was sins.
The burning need to open up to Iris was eating him alive, he wanted to tell her everything, have her rock him and kiss him and tell him everything would be alright.
But he couldn't, he couldn't be vulnerable with her, his father would hate him for it. Shame onto the Malfoy name. One thing for sure, he had to stay in control of the situation.

He wasn't good not being in control.

Iris wondered down the corridors, passing Pansy on her way, who scowled at her, but she clearly didn't know about her and Malfoy, or her reaction would've caused much more of an issue.
But hey, what was there to know?
They certainly weren't together, it certainly was a mistake.
Or at least it should've been.
She still felt angry at him for yesterday, the last thing she wanted was him to cause a scene about the whole situation.
She unlocked the dorm room door to Syd sat on the sofa twiddling with her thumbs, she was wearing a pleated dress, her hair pulled into a messy bun.
"Iris!" She exclaimed as the door clicked open.
"Where the fuck have you been! I was so worried when I came back last night and you weren't here."

"I was with Malfoy. I'm sorry Syd."
She spoke softly before slouching down next to her.
"Have you heard about what he did?"
Iris questioned quietly.
"Blaise told me, he beat him up ... didn't he?"
"You told him everything that happened that night...didn't you?"
Iris nodded, her eyes glossy with the thought of her revealing her story to Malfoy, she rubbed at her head.

"Are you sure Malfoy was the right person to tell?" Syd worried.
Iris knew it was so right to tell Malfoy, but other people, even Syd, wouldn't - couldn't understand the side to him that only she saw.
"I don't know, but it's done now." She whispered looking up at Syd.
"The boy always did deserve a good punching."
Syd shrugged as she began to lit a cigarette.
"Maybe Malfoy's not all bad."
Iris smiled sadly at her best friend before proceeding to get up and shower.

8:20am dorm room

Iris' reflection stared back at her as she analysed herself in the mirror. She wore a green pleated skirt, her black robe hanging loosely off her shoulders. She looked slightly thinner, having her lost her appetite the last couple of days. Despite her attempt to hide her tired appearance, it shone through. Her eyes still looked dark with worry, her lips still swollen from forbidden kisses, she flicked a quick spell to cover the bruises on her neck and around her wrists.
Tieing her hair up loosely she pulled out the front section to frame her face, throwing her charms books into her bag.
"I'll be back here later Syd," she announced as she watched Syd scribble away in her transfigurations book.

"I've got plenty of work to catch up on."
She rolled her eyes before leaving and catching a quick wave from her best friend.
All this rushing about and she had forgotten that she would have to sit next to Malfoy this lesson.
God dammit Flitwick.

Iris hurried off to charms, in hope she would get there before Malfoy, and that he would complain and steal someone else's chair.
She was in the mood to sulk and quietly focus, so that she could avert her mind away from him for just a short hour.
She slipped down into her chair at the back of the class after a quick nod of good morning towards Flitwick. She rolled her eyes at the Hufflepuffs laughing in the front seats.
Why did they always have to be so fucking happy?

Malfoy walked into class, 5 minutes late, and slumped himself down next to Iris where Flitwick had previously instructed him to sit.
They both said nothing to eachother, neither could find the right words, they both just stared forward, with tired eyes.

Both aching to be touched by the person sat just centimetres across from them.
Iris blinked slowly and softly as she focused on his masculine scent and his presence that was almost enough to calm her nerves. She never moved her eyes towards him.
And neither did he, Perhaps in the fear that if they locked eyes, they wouldn't be able to look away.

The truth was his mind was driving him crazy. His father had sent him another letter, regarding the Dark Lord this time, explaining how he had been getting stronger.
The Dark Lord had previously asked Draco, in sixth year, to kill Dumbledore, to prove himself as a worthy deatheater.
He couldn't do it, Snape had instead, and since then his Father had always been more disappointed with him than usual.

He worried with his fathers new information regarding the Dark Lord that he would be forced into some new dark  twisted plan. He couldn't help but dread the future.
The only way he could see a happy future was with, no, never mind.
It was funny really, both of them hadn't even looked at each other the whole lesson, partly with fear of saying the wrong thing, and partly with worry that if they looked at each other, they wouldn't be able to look away.

As the end of the lesson drew to a close, Iris began to pack up her books, sighing with the unsatisfactory time spent with Malfoy.
She would do anything to hear his voice, even if it was just a snear, or telling her to fuck off, even calling her a slag like he used too. The silent hour had been deafening.
Now she just felt worthless, like she didn't even mean anything to him, like they were strangers.
That seemed so much further away from enemies.

The truth was, she would much rather be enemies with Malfoy than strangers.
As she stood up he spoke her name, a soft masculine growl dripping of his tongue.
She flipped her head around and their eyes met, and sunk into each other. His eyes poured into hers with so much emotion, yet the rest of his face still and stern. He reached into his pocket.
"You left this at mine."
He handed her a gold ring, the one she had misplaced without realising. He dropped it carefully into the palm of her hand, analysing her dainty fingers as he pictured them running along his back.

"Oh. Thankyou."
She spoke, nearly a whisper, before avoiding his eyes as to not get dragged into them, and silently walking away.
He could feel her slipping between his fingers as he watched her back intently, almost hoping for her to turn around and say, well he didn't know, he supposed he would be happy if she had said anything.
But she never did, she continued walking out of the classroom, out of his reach.
Just like he had originally wanted. But he wasn't sure this was what he wanted anymore.
Her silence was deafening.

Whatever he wanted. It wasn't this. It wasn't watching her walk away.

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