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Alnerwick 9:00am

Draco felt it unfair that Iris had left. But she had, 7 o clock this morning when his aunt banged ferociously on the door for a tour of the surroundings, shops he supposed and all the rest of it. To which he had greatly refused.
Draco didn't feel like leaving, he didn't feel like doing anything. He pushed his body further into the warm burrow of duvets and sighed before beginning to glance his eyes around the room he'd hardly been able to take in last night.

There was not a chance that he would see anybody today- he'd rather stay inside alone. Conjure a fire whiskey and get fucking drunk.

The room surrounding him was nice. It wasn't too large, but not too small either like the safehouse. Nice big windows and potted plants against the ledge. Sunlight streaming in. A wardrobe, dark oak, the rest of the furniture to match. It was simple; which Draco preferred.
Maybe he could put his own spin on it, since this was now his new bedroom. Their new bedroom. That single fact becoming distinctly harder to believe.

Managing to find the strength to pull himself out of bed, tense torso exposed, he took a few steps across to the window, having a quick look at himself in the tall mirror as he passed.
Easy to see under the bright sun, it was a glorious day outside, even Draco had to admit. Not lit up by lanterns any longer, the little semi circle of cottages looked perhaps even nicer. Cosy, inviting, littered in flowers, greenery, and things that mostly Draco would normally turn his nose up at. Not if it wasn't for the roses he spied outside their door. Coincidence? Perhaps not?

A quick glance around each room upstairs and he was making his way downstairs to have a proper look down there. Moving over towards the kitchen, light oak kitchen sides, sun streaming across them.

He began to make himself a cup of coffee- the magic way of course, as he expected most people here would find no greater pleasure than shoving the muggle way of doing things down his throat. And sure he was open to change, but some things never will- that being one of them. The teaspoon hit sharply against the tiny white china cup, even that had flowers on it.
Eyes around the kitchen, open and light still as much as the other rooms so far. Greenery flooding each corner of the space, even leading through to the living room area. There, instead of walls were just bookshelves, filled to the brim with different shades of books.
But it wasn't right. This is not how this should've been, he didn't feel safe or comfortable here. Not when in the back of his mind was just the niggling thoughts of what was going on back at the manor.
Would he feel like this forever, always reminiscing over the past?

Sitting down, a thought or two to himself, he glanced outside the front, to try and spot a face or two?
Until- was it?
Oh yes- it was.
He stood up.
She must have finished her tour of the village with his aunt. She was hugging- oh yes- Elledge. Before he watched Elledge turn the other way.
Trying to told back his smile, he watched her grinning face. Pretty and delicate, basking in the sunlight, her plump lips still pink and precise.
Her long locks were wavy around her shoulders, hanging loose and free. A large green jacket hung around her shoulders, perhaps she'd borrowed it from somebody else. Draco certainly didn't recognise it.

He edged closer to the downstairs window, coffee still in hand. Watching her with narrowed eyes, she was speaking to someone- only he couldn't quite make out who.
Then he got a glimpse of their back, a boy?
He frowned because he didn't know who, light brown hair, tall. And his body language was, well, certainly too touchy for Draco's liking, especially as Iris was beside him- looking like that.

Smashing down his coffee, still an exposed torso, muscles on full display. He walked toward the door, opening it and then leaning against it with a smirk, one leg bent over the other.
As soon as Iris spotted him, her face was a picture. She practically gasped- well he just looked gorgeous, all tone and muscle and his smirking handsome features. Blonde hair flopping over his face in that perfect way she liked.
Not only that, but his black sweatpants were extremely low, and she couldn't help but gravitate her eyes down towards him, his strong V shape that led down to... well.
She could almost see the line of hair lower down, and could definitely see his large bulge against the material.

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