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1:30am safehouse

Iris lay in bed beside Syd, wiggling her toes. Her and Syd had spent all day catching each other up on everything that had recently happened. It was nice to have her best friend back, but equally she missed Draco a lot. She was petrified for him as well, praying that the plan worked, that he could convince his father.
Praying that he wasn't fucking dead.
Iris looked up at the dark wooden slabs along the ceiling and wondered how long they would have to stay here for. It had only been a day and she was already getting herself inpatient.
"Can't sleep?" Syd whispered from across the bed.
" No. Haven't even slept."
"Me neither."

"Do you think... think that .... Draco, will be alright?"
Syd turned to face her with a sad smile, "That boy must have 9 fucking lives. He'll be fine."
Iris smiled back and turned away.
"Goodnight Syd."
"Night you."

9:00am Draco's room

Draco woke up fast, the blood rushing to his head as he sat up and analysed his room, that was beginning to flood with light.
He sprang to his feet and walked out of his room, bumping into his mother on the way.
"Breakfast Draco?"
"Yes. Please."

His mother was a women of few words, she used to speak more and it seemed as the Dark Lord got more involved with the family she lost parts of her personality.
Before they hit the stairs, she grabbed onto his shoulders. Her worried eyes were staring into his.
Her voice was barely a whisper as she looked over her shoulder with caution.
"Draco. Will you promise to answer me this question truthfully?"
"Depends." He scowled, narrowed eyes.

"Are you planning to leave, run away?"
Draco raised his eyebrows at her worried expression, "No, why on earth would I be?"

"Because I've seen you've been going through my draws. You've taken the address." Her voice lowered volume so that now he could hardly hear her, "The same house your aunt Andromeda once used."
And as Draco opened his mouth to speak, she brought her fingers up to his lips. "And don't lie."
"I've lost too many people in this life and I'm not going to lose you too."

"If your going, take me with you."

Draco shook his head and led her up back to his bedroom.
"Mother I'm not planning to leave."
"Then why?" She persisted, "Why the address."

He brought his hand to his forehead and blurted it out before controlling himself. "That's where Iris is."

"What?! Iris? From the Banks family! The halfblood?!"
Draco sighed, "Mother would you just calm down."
"When you and father left I sent her there. I never killed her. And I'm not planning to leave."

Narcissa took a few breaths in before deciding what to say. She wanted her son to be happy, but was so conflicted with her original views on pure blood. Right now, as long as the people were alive that she loved she didn't care. Even if that meant Draco protecting this girl.

"So Lucius was right, wasn't he? When it was suggested that you were together."

"Look we weren't together. I just didn't want to kill her."
Draco's lies were useless in his mother's eyes.
"Don't lie to me Draco. I saw the way you looked at her when your father brought her here. I've never seen you look so petrified."
Draco took a few breathes in and out before beginning to pace on his feet with worry.
"I won't say anything." Narcissa whispered.
"I'll even help you if you need."

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