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Safehouse 10:00am

They fell asleep in each other's arms, hardly a good nights sleep though. A constant interruption of Draco's eager hands sliding over her skin.
Iris' soft giggles were mesmerising and he couldn't help but grin at her, sleepily, as the sunlight streamed through the window.
She sat up, hair tied into a messy bun, the sides sticking out in all directions. A black jumper hanging off her shoulders and nearly over her knees. Her bare face was still bronzed, a slight dusting of freckles, long dark lashes that were blinking inquisitively into the sunlight.
He was just watching her- white duvet sitting around his lower torso. Strong arms flexed behind his head, eyes flicking up and down over her figure, watching her sat on the edge of the bed- admiring the low stream of sunlight.

She reached forward, her fingers tracing over his forearm, hardly a scar left, the one she had healed. But most of all- no dark mark. She'd never met him before his dark mark so his skin looked so bare without it.
He noticed her looking almost immediately,
"I'm getting a tattoo. Not leaving it bare."
Iris smiled, "Or you could just leave it be." She flopped beside him, "I like it empty."
"Every time I look down I still see it there. I want something different." He sighed, arms tensing harder. Much to Iris' excitement.

"Shall we get some breakfast?" She smiled with a yawn, sunlight beating down on her skin.
He couldn't help but smile when he looked at her; even though thumping hard inside him was the uncomfortable thought that he would eventually have to tell her what had happened whilst they were apart.
Eventually- not yet though.
"C'mon lazy." And she pulled his arm forcing him to follow her to the kitchen.

"We'll have to give you a house tour!"
He laughed at her comment, following her slowly out of the bedroom with his torso still exposed- "I think I've seen it all," He grinned, "Not much too it is there."
"Hey! It's become our little home thanks to you. I'll be sad to say goodbye to this little place."
She hummed a little tune and walked in front of him, his eyes melting into her arse as her shorts raised slightly up to meet her jumper. He smirked and pushed himself toward her, squeezing at each cheek. She raised her eyebrows and continued to enter the kitchen, his arms now wrapped around her waist from behind.

Syd was sat with a cup of coffee, swinging back and fourth on her chair from the kitchen table. A large plate with slices of buttered toast lay in the middle. She grinned at the pair almost like she had forgotten that Draco had even arrived.
"Ah, the lovebirds awaken!"
"Morning hunni!" Iris smiled, taking a seat next to her and grabbing a slice of toast.

Draco sat opposite the pair grabbing a slice too.
"Fucking hell Malfoy put it away! I can't hardly focus on this shitty cup of coffee!" Syd grinned and eyed at his muscly chest. Iris laughed and Draco sneered, a slight smile also playing on his lips.
"Do you know exactly when Narcissa's coming Draco?" Iris questioned, tucking a loose hair behind her ear.
"Sorry to disappoint ladies but no clue. She said in the next few days, so just be ready. I didn't want to leave her behind but she wanted me to go. I just hope after everything she makes it out ok and that-

"She will." Iris interrupted with a smile,
"Don't worry."

"Still can't believe she's on our side." Syd sighed, "I mean thank god for your family Malfoy. Andromeda sounds like an angel."
"It's my fault in the first place, if my fucking father had just left Iris alone then there would be no issues and you both could've just stayed put and-

Iris could notice him getting angrier and wanted to calm him down, she knew how he could get about his father.

"Draco- it's fine."  She reached her hand across the table to comfort him, her voice concerned.
"You never have to see him again now. Just try and relax whilst you're here yeah? You know you can talk to me or Syd about anything."
Draco nodded with a scowl, tapping his wand along the table as a distraction from thoughts about his father. About what he'd made him do.

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