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TW: This chapter is just sex so if that doesn't interest you skip this and it won't effect the plot <3

5:00am safehouse

"Go on spill." Syd taunted.
Draco sat uncomfortably in his seat, the thought of telling Iris about Pansy, and then about the fucking prostitute was really not what he wanted to talk about considering he'd just arrived.

"Later." He scowled before grabbing Iris by her waist and walking toward the room she had before emerged from.
"Don't be too fucking loud." Syd laughed, "I want to at least get a little sleep."

"Night Syd!" Iris called from Draco's arms, grinning and laughing with her.
And then door closed behind them- a sudden click.

"You don't know how much I've-
And he dived toward her plump lips again, holding his hands against her jaw, the pair slowly working back until he had Iris pinned against the wall.
Their lips were engulfing each other, Draco's hands pinning hers tightly and flat against the wall.
She was trying hard not to moan into his mouth but it was proving difficult after not seeing him for all this time; his hard erection digging into her stomach. Her spine was bent along the edge of the wall and he continued to push her harder.
As soon as she threw her head back slightly with pleasure, to meet the wall, Draco took full advantage. He licked and sucked at the sensitive areas on her neck, leaving purple bruises, nibbling at the spot below her ear, then along her ear, as her soft moans grew louder.
A deadly throbbing between her legs.

He was thrusting against her now, stronger with each push, not being able to hold himself back. His hard cock was pushing against his trousers, aching, aching to be inside her.
He was groaning, each push against her causing more pleasure.

"You're so fucking-
Then he pulled at her top, still thrusting against her, his hands now moving to her chest, to squeeze and rub at her hard nipples that were poking through her sheer top. Bouncing with each push he made against her body. He couldn't wait to get it off her, so instead he ripped it, from the top to the bottom, and it dropped to the floor.
She gasped with her breasts exposed toward him, and he groaned at the sight of her light brown nipples, so hard and the skin around them so soft. Her skin was so fucking soft, both with goosebumps slowly running up their flesh.
He squeezed them tightly, before pushing his head down to lick, suck and tease at them.
She was frantically moaning, her tight pussy throbbing between her thighs, dripping down her legs uncontrollably. And he seemed to notice.

She had forgotten what it was like, sex with him.

She couldn't hold herself back with his fingers and mouth around her nipples and so she moved her hand down to rub at her clit. At this point she could hardly stand, and he was practically holding her up, pinning her against the wall.
He pushed her hand away from her throbbing clit,
looking up at her and smirking.

"Be patient Princess, you know I'll get there."

She shivered, speechless, rubbing at the back of his neck, fingers in his soft hair, as he continued to flick his tongue around her breast.
God had she missed his strong masculine smell, his breath of mint and skin of that musky cologne that lingered for hours after in her nostrils.
He suddenly whipped his head back up, a smirk still plastered on his lips, licking his teeth, and slammed her hands above her head.

She gasped and he brought his lips to her ear, his whispers sending a cold shiver up her spine,
"What are you Iris?"
"I- I don't-
"C'mon you should know by now." He cooed,
"That first time I met you, I wasn't wrong."
A few seconds passed, breathes in sync before he answered his own question as a whisper,
"You're a fucking slut."
Then he moved away from her ear, hands around her face, one finger stroking along her lip- his smirk was back.

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