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Alnerwick 7:45am

Iris sat up almost immediately. That feeling was stuck in her gut and she knew deep down that he had gone.
She had expected it in a way though, the Malfoy's certainly weren't ones that enjoyed listening.
The worry began to set in as she checked around the house and confirmed her thoughts were correct.
In the space of twenty minutes she'd already bitten her fingernails right down and was now itching at the skin on her arms.
Flinging her hair up into a quick pony, she scrambled out the door to make her way to Andromeda's. She'd know what to do.

Malfoy Manor 6:30am

Draco landed in the hallway. It was dark and cold as always, but eerie this time, quiet. Which was strange because walking around the manor, even at this time in the morning, you'd always at least hear the odd house elf.
Draco gulped. His hand gripping tightly around his wand, now indenting slightly into his palm. He was practically waiting for his father to jump around the corner and hex him at the any given moment.
Always be on guard.
He twisted around, searching for a sign of movement, anything.

Then there was something. Sounded like the clink of a glass perhaps- in the back room.
Draco jumped a little, then straightened his jacket. Breathing out fast before picking up his foot to head towards the sound, wand outstretched in front of him. Heels clicking on the hard floor beneath him.

Head whipping around toward the corner of the room, he saw his father- sat with his back to him.
Glass of whiskey in one hand, yes really at this time, and his wand was tightly gripped in his other.
That's how he knew his father knew it was him, perhaps recognised his footsteps.
He heard his father chuckle, without even turning around, twiddling his wand loosely now between his fingers.
Draco breathed in sharply, he didn't even know what to say now the moment was here. Now he could confront him.

But it was Lucius who said the first words. Who made the first move.
"My boy."
He toyed with his wand, a playful tone, "I see my boy has finally decided to return."

Draco scowled as his father span around on his chair to now face him. Lucius' face looked pale and hallow, he practically looked fucking Ill, his cheeks even bruised, messy stubble surrounding his jaw.
He looked fucking broken.
And Draco fucking hated him in that moment. He got to live, him of all people, and his mother was fucking dead.

"Don't call me that." He breathed,
"I'm not your boy. Not anymore."

Lucius smiled, taking a sip of whiskey as Draco's eyes narrowed. Draco took a step towards him, wand still outstretched. His newfound confidence against his father was seeming to already make him feel the world of good.

"Why the attitude? Why this welcome?" Lucius taunted and he gestured toward the wand that was pointing toward him.

Draco shouted quickly without a second thought, as Lucius' wand went flying between his sons fingers. Much to his utter horror and dismay.
Lucius gulped, and then gasped sharply, looking truly uncomfortable now without his wand to rely on. He hadn't expected that.
Draco grinned angrily,
"I know what you fucking did."

Lucius snapped, a voice of harsh urgency.
"You know nothing."


"Have you not read the papers? It wasn't me."
Lucius scoffed.

"Oh quit the fucking act. I spoke to her before she passed away. She fucking told me you duelled."

The room filled with silence, both parties not really knowing what to say- how to continue. Protective body language, almost sizing each other up. Lucius even without his wand. He had expected Draco to come back, but perhaps not quite like this.

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