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The Miyas were Japan's 2nd most successful gang. The twins were their parents' gift from heaven. Atsumu Miya and Osamu Miya, any job they take on together, was always successful, if someone fucks up, the other would pick up for the other, but as they slowly grew older, there were missions that had to be dealt with alone isn't it. How would they decide who takes over as the heir when their dad passes on?

Osamu Miya always got his job done, he always had it his way, his target this time? Rintarou Suna from The Sunas, the first gang. Both gangs had huge rivalry between each other. For generations, they had to beat each other in everything.

That day, if Osamu fucked up, no one would back him up, and when I say no one, I mean absolutely no one. Not even some back ups, not even his twin. No one.

"Your usual?"


"Glock 19 Gen4, good luck"

"Thank you"

Glock 19 Gen 4, Osamu's favourite pistol. The one he would use to kill Suna. He slid it into the little compartment he had somewhere above his right ankle, styled perfectly for the pistol, which would be covered over by his pants.

He wore his usual black suit and got into his lamborghini his parents bought for him on his birthday. He pressed the button and the car started automatically with a loud sound coming from the engine.

The front gates opened as the car approached it.

Suna would go to a well known strip club downtown and have a 2 hour pole dancing session to earn extra money to get a sniper. He hated having to have so many steps, if it was a silent kill, things would've been so much easier.

Why didn't he just ask from his parents? They wouldn't let him get the sniper. They wanted him to do it all, step by step. They would never allow him to slack off, not even 1%.

The club owner agreed to let Suna wear a mask to hide his pretty face. Making sure no one recognizes him.

He was rather good at pole dancing, because of him, the club had a lot more customers than usual. On Thursdays, Suna would have 5 inch heels on together with a whole bunny costume on. It would earn him 5 times more the original amount he got. A lot more people would be there on Thursdays just to see Suna perform for 2 hours. From 9pm to 11pm, and that's it.

Osamu knew, on Thursdays, Suna would let his guard down a lot more than usual. Since no one in his family knew what he was usually doing, Suna didn't have any back ups either, Thursday was a perfect time to kill him.

After Suna's sessions, he wouldn't bother to change until he got into his car. He would linger around the alley behind the club to smoke for a bit before going back in his car which was parked somewhere further from the pub.

Osamu parked his car in a more quiet place to avoid others hijacking his car or even scratching it.

He got off and walked towards the alley, and as expected, Suna was there, smoking.

He came from the other corner and approached Suna who was still in heels, with a bit of makeup on, and only an oversized jacket covering over his body and the costume underneath.

He knew what he had to do, small talk, and then slowly try killing him.

"If you're trying to fuck me, it ain't working tonight"

Suna said as he puffed out smoke.


"What? Don't give me that innocent look, I'm not in the mood tonight"

"I'm really confused-"

Osamu wasn't lying, he was genuinely confused.

"You're not from the club?"

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