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The twins went to school as usual. They were at the train station, waiting for the next train to their school. They always go with Suna. Sometimes if lucky, Kita would be there. But today, Suna wasn't there. Kita not being there isn't a surprise but Suna was usually there first.

"Ehhh, Suna isn't here yet..."

"Yeah...Wait let me call him"

Osamu tried calling Suna, but it all went straight to voicemail.


Suna was seldom late, even if he liked sleeping, he knew his limit.

The twins got on the train and hoped Suna was probably early that day.

As they reached school, Kita had already opened the gym and some were already practicing. But Suna wasn't there.

For the rest of the school day, Suna never showed up in any of the classes. Not even after school practice.

"Kita-san, why isn't Suna here?"

"Oh right, unfortunately, he's running a high fever"


"Mhm, but it's nothing to worry about."

"I called him a lot of times and he never picked up, none of my texts were seen either"

"The phone could be on do not disturb mode?"

"Ok then..."

"You could visit Suna after practice, get him some medicine maybe?"

Weird how Kita didn't inform the others.


"C'mon, you need to chill"

"Shut up"

"I ain't wrong tho"

"Yeah yeah"

Osamu said while packing some things to stay over at Suna's. It was honestly his fault that Suna was sick.


"Pleaseeee, Rin it'll be fun~"

"You'll get sick"

"No I won't! C'mon just for a whileee"

"'Samu i said no"

"Well i said yes"

He put down his and Suna's bag on the little seats at the bus station where there was shade and pulled Suna to the back where there was a big field. They played and danced in the rain till Suna's mom called for him to get his ass back home.


He got the medicine and got a bit of the herbal soup he made for Suna.

"There's left over soup in the pot, take it for yourself and eat it with rice or something. Tell mom and dad I'll be staying at Suna's"

"Yeah yeah, don't come back!"


Osamu took his little bag and made sure he took the hoodie Suna loved the most. He took all of the things he needed and left the house.

He took a cab and got to Suna's house. He went inside and saw Suna's mom doing something he assumed was work on her laptop on the couch.

"Osamu? Did Suna invite you over without my permission again?"

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