Shower Sex

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It was nearing 7 in the morning, the sun was coming up from the shitty ditch it lived in at night and shone into the bathroom of Osamu and Suna's million dollar penthouse. Rintarou was going to get ready for the day, no work, no nothing, just a lazy weekend with his husband at home.

Osamu was still hugging him as he tried getting out of bed.

"Let go"

"Don't wanna"

"C'mon I need to wash up"



"Don't wanna let you goooooo"

"But i need to wash up"


"Osamu please let go"

Osamu turned a deaf ear to what Suna said and only hugged his waist tighter.

Suna clicked his tongue, getting annoyed with the clingy morning Osamu.

He scratched Osamu's arm, earning a yelp from him and finally got out of bed. He stretched for a bit before walking towards the bathroom.

Rintarou washed up and made sure that disgusting pimple that was on his face maybe 3 days ago was gone before turning on the heater and taking his relaxing shower. The sun shining into the huge bathroom just made him happier.

While he was applying shampoo onto his hair, he heard the two main doors of the bathroom open. He assumed it was Osamu finally getting his lazy ass up to brush his teeth and change for work, so he gave it no more thought and carried on massaging his scalp.

And yes, it was Osamu, he went to brush his teeth while Rintarou carried on showering.

Washing up while looking at Rintarou shower was a big yes for Osamu. He quickly finished and stripped, quietly getting into the shower with him.

Suna washed some of the soap off his face and sneezed halfway.

"Aww, is Rinny cold"

Osamu's sudden talking, so close to Suna, scared him.

"'Samu don't scare me like that!"

Rintarou yelled.

"Ah sorry sorry"

Osamu hugged Rintarou, softly kissing his collarbone.

Rintarou felt Osamu's hard member pressing against his ass. He tried to finish scrubbing his body so he could get out before they have sex in the bathroom again. Yes, again.

"You gotta stop leaving hickies on my neck 'Samu, my coach and teammates will bully me for it if you do..."

Suna softly said, hoping Osamu would listen this time.

"At least they know you're mine..."

He whispered as he continued biting on Suna's soft skin.

Rintarou chuckled and patted Osamu's head.

"We've been married for 3 years, the whole world knows this"

"Why do people still go after you then..."

Osamu mumbled, hugging Rintarou tighter.

"Hrmmm, I can't help it that I was born pretty"

"You're not just pretty, you're perfect..."

"Sure sure, now get off of me, I wanna shower"


"You're clingy"

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