Study Sessions

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Osamu and Suna loved studying together. It just made studying more fun. Sometimes and Suna's place, sometimes at Osamu's and sometimes at a cafe.

This time, they were at Suna's place. Osamu planned some things as usual for after they have finished studying.

"Okay, we're going to go through the concept again. x plus 90 plus 49 is a 180, we know that because?"

Suna asked.


He asked again.


Suna slammed his hand on the table, catching Osamu's attention.


"Oh god, LOOK at question 2c. There's the angles and shit, right?"

Suna was clearly annoyed.

"Uhhh, yes?"

"There's a right angle, so we get our 90 degrees from there. Get it?"


"Then, as mentioned, there's a 49 degree angle on the left, am I right?"


"And there's the x on the right, so, we take x plus 90 plus 49 equals to a 180 degrees and we know that because its a?"

"Flat angle?..."

"YES! Oh my god you finally get it! Okay on to the next question-"

"Ughhhhh Rin pleaseee I don't want to study math anymoreee"

"Maybe if you were better at it, then sure, but nooo, you suck"

Osamu didn't like the attitude his boyfriend was giving him. In fact, he wanted his caring and sweet Suna back. Not this strict as fuck one.

"Ok this one is easy, do it yourself"


"If you get this one right, we'll do what you want"

"Whatever I want?"

Osamu asked mischievously.

"Mhm, whatever you want. But if you get it wrong, you can say goodbye to my kisses for 2 days and you're going straight home after this."

"That's unfair-"

"Oh? What's this? Osamu being a pussy I see~"

"I- NO?!"

"Do it, now"

"Ughhh fine"

He looked at the angles and just stared at them.

For Rin

He thought to himself.

Half of it would make it a flat angle so total...180 degrees and then 63 degrees is mentioned on the left and if x is in the middle then...

"X plus 63 degrees equals to 180 degrees and then we rewrite it to x equals 180 minus 63 and the answer is x equals to 117 degrees."

Osamu said as he dropped his pen on the table confidently.

"Eh- I was expecting you to get it wrong, but at least you got it right."

"Yayyyy, can we do what I want nowwww"

"No, I wanna watch a movie, keep my books for me, you know where to put my pens and my other stationary, I'm getting jelly sticks."

Suna went downstairs and left Osamu disappointed.

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