A very Special Letter

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{Hi, I know her birthday was like so long ago and I'm supposed to make a one shot regarding the Miya twin's bday but either you take this or you leave it. I don't wanna hear any complaints. Now, be nice and wish Risako a happy 9th birthday 🔪 }

It was finally Risako's 9th birthday. The sweet child is growing older everyday. Suna let her sleep in that day and turned off the 8am alarm she had on her phone that was set to ring everyday. C'mon, let her live for once. Osamu was getting breakfast ready for her and already had a decent sized strawberry cake that he made and decorated himself and a lot of gummies for her since she liked it so much, Suna also had the fridge stocked up with 10 bottles of marble soda so Risako could take it whenever she wanted. The dining area already had a banner with the words "Happy Birthday Risako'' written on it and a huge '9' balloon next to it with a lot of other pastel pink and purple balloons.

"What are you cooking?"
Suna could see Osamu was busy whisking something and had a heated pan ready to use at any time.

"Pancakes. But then again I feel like it's too basic so I'll make a milkshake for her later"
Osamu poured some of the batter into the pan and surprisingly had a close to perfect circle.

"Milkshake? This early in the morning?"
Rintarou obviously wasn't very happy with the idea.

"C'mon, it's her birthday"
Osamu sighed.

"I know, but cold drinks in the morning are not good for her little stomach, don't you think?"

"She's 9 Rin, not 4"
Osamu reminded his husband.

"Oi, are you questioning my decisions"


"I will punch you"

"Nah you won't"

"We'll see, serve her milkshake and I'll make sure i kick you in the crotch"
Suna whispered.

And before he left the kitchen,
"And I'll fuck you till you can't walk"
Osamu smirked.

Suna was speechless.

"Mhm now go do me a favour and wake the little princess up, it's almost 10, get her dressed up and then she can have her breakfast"

"...well played"
Suna sighed, kissed his husband on the cheek and went back out to wake Risako up.

Rintarou gently knocks on Risako's door in case she's awake and out of respect and habit before entering. After about 10 seconds and no response from Risako, he opens the door and still sees his daughter tucked in bed and fast asleep.

"Time to wake up Risa, I'm sure I already allowed you sleep enough."
Rintarou chuckled at the ball of lazy sunshine in front of him.

"Good morning mama, what time is it?..."
Risako yawned and blinked her eyes till it would focus on things.

"It's currently,"
Suna checked his watch and replied,

"Huh? That's weird, my alarm didn't go off?"
She looked at her phone that was charging next to her and secretly cursed it.

"I turned it off. You do need your beauty sleep sometimes."
Suna ruffled her hair and told her to go wash up and that he'd make her bed for her. He did want to clean her room for her if it was messy but it was literally spotless because that girl just keeps her room very very clean.

Bet she'll become that girl in middle school. Bet.

After Risako was done with her morning routine, Suna gave her a decent white A line dress with short sleeves and a new belt as her first birthday gift from Suna. After that, she went downstairs in her tiny fluffy slippers and sat on the dining table. She was very pleased with the decorations already.

"Why good morning Risa, enjoy your breakfast"

Osamu pecked his daughter on the forehead and served Risako and Rintarou their food pancakes with blueberries and powdered sugar with maple syrup. He also took out the berries milkshake he made for Risako in a glass milkshake glass, and he sprinkled chocolate sprinkles on top of it in front of Rintarou on purpose, Risa was amused tho.

"Thank you papa"
Risako smiled and started eating her breakfast.

Rintarou just gave Osamu the "How dare you serve her cold drinks in the morning in front of me" look and Osamu just shrugged.

After breakfast, it was time for Risako's tiny wish list. It was sort of a yearly thing at this point. She writes down whatever she wants and reads it out on her birthday, and then Osamu and Suna pray that there is something she wants that they have already bought for her.

"Dear mama and papa, since I am 9 this year. I would like to be allowed to say shit."
Risako made eye contact with her parents.

Suna choked on his food and Osamu was just shocked.

Before Rintarou could speak, Risako continued.
"I know the both of you are not happy to hear me swear but I'm sure the word 'Shit' is better than crap, fuck, bitch, idiot, motherfucker, pussy, asshole, and so on."

Rintarou was very much ready to blow up and Osamu was kind of pissed but then again sort of not.

"So for my birthday this year, instead of being grounded or whatever the other kids call it, I would like to be allowed to say shit. Akimitsu and Akihiro say it too. Even the kids in my class are allowed to say it."
Risako still had that innocent look on her face and was really hoping her parents would approve of her request.

Suna sighed and told Risako to sit down.
"Risa. You need to be very honest with me, okay?"

Risako nodded her head.

Osamu was just recalling if he had ever said all those swear words at home.

"Where did you hear all of those swear words from?"
Rintarou asked.

"Oh, I heard some of my classmates say them a few days ago while I was in the school cafeteria and I'm guessing what they said wasn't very nice. Why?"
Risako was very confused as to why Rintarou hadn't grounded her yet but she was very grateful.

Osamu continued eating and thanked the heavens that Risako said nothing about him.

"Risa, all those words are very vulgar. Don't say it anymore, okay?"
Suna gave her head pats.

"Uhm, Risa, regarding the word 'shit', I guess it's fine as long as you don't direct it towards anyone."
Osamu smiled. Well Suna didn't look too happy about it.

"Sure I guess, don't use it too often though, it isn't a nice word."
Rintarou gave a very painful smile and continued eating his food.

Risako was overall happy with her gifts, especially the fact she can say shit now.


After Risako was tucked in to bed that night, Rintarou went back inside the master bedroom him and Osamu shared and had a very long talk with Risako's home room teacher regarding the students who sweared.

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