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An AU in which Rintarou was deaf.


Rintarou and Osamu sat in a cafe. It was a cat cafe, Rintarou loved going there, to pet all of the cats made him happy, and when he's happy, Osamu is happy. They usually go there after volleyball practice to study and sometimes chat for a bit. Well...Silent chat...

Rintarou put a cat he was petting down from his lap and opened the menu to order his usual, waffles with vanilla ice cream and honey syrup. Him and Osamu would always share it as the portion was a little too much for Suna.

Suna looked like a happy fox when the waffles were served.

"You wanna eat first?"

Osamu signed to Suna which he got a nod in return.

Osamu cut a small bite for Suna and fed it to him. He did indeed look like a happy fox.

Suna signed "It's delicious" to Osamu and smiled.

"Of course it is"

Osamu signed back.

They continued eating and occasionally pet the cats.

Osamu went to the water dispenser and got two paper cups and filled it with water, then went back and gave one to Suna.

They drank their water and Osamu took out his notebook and started writing about random things that happened that day that he wanted to share with Suna like,

I saw Kita and Aran kissing on the rooftop again today.

The teacher in our English class gave a lot of homework today :c

I almost threw my notes away because I thought they were test pads that I didn't need anymore.

And many other random things. The paper was full of his neat handwriting and Suna read them all one by one, smiling at them all.

Rintarou's cup was empty. He wrote on the little space that was left on the paper,

"Can you help me go get water please?"

And Osamu went to fill his cup.

Suna quickly took out his gel pen and gently wrote on Osamu's paper cup,

"Do you have anyone you like?"

Osamu came back and gave Rintarou his cup which he quickly drank again.

He realized the little words and knew it was Rintarou's handwriting. His eyes widened and Rintarou's face went a light shade of pink.

"Yeah, why?"

Osamu said.

Rintarou didn't get what he said and tilted his head and gave an awkward smile.


Osamu thought to himself.

He got his own pen out and wrote on his cup,


Then passed the cup to Rintarou.

He wrote back "Oh" on the cup.

"But it makes me sad to know the person I love will never get to hear my voice :( "

He handed the cup back to Rintarou while looking at his reaction.


Rintarou blushed and crossed his arms and buried his face in them, wanting to hide the embarrassment he's in when it hits him that Osamu likes him back. Osamu only laughs and pats Rintarou's head.

He slowly came back up and signed

"I don't need to hear your voice to love you, and you don't need to hear mine to love me"


hsjhsjhsjjhjs here's a cute chapter for you all

And I have good news.

Vacation In Maldives is out *.=

Bad news

Hikari's account got hacked and all his stories are gone now :((

Please go show Hikari some love and motivate him to continue writing :((

Here's his user hikari_san2

I'm so sorry Hikari for all your books :((

I'm very disappointed in the person that hacked his account and deleted his books, if you think it's a joke, you've gone too far. You have no idea how much time Hikari took to write his books :((

Pregnancy will now be posted on my account, please go read it and leave some votes. We are on the 3rd Chapter, working on the 4th one.

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