Tragic, isnt it?

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Enjoy your 73k specials angst

Rintarou adjusted Osamu's suit.

"You promise you're going to be okay?"

Rintarou asked, cupping Osamu's cheeks, looking him in the eye.

"Yes yes, it's just for 4 days Rinny, I'll be back before you know it"

Osamu assured him.

But Rintarou couldn't help but feel as if something bad would happen.

"Promise to take care of yourself?"

Rintarou asks.

"I will, but you have to take care of yourself too, alright?"

Rintarou only nodded his head and hugged Osamu. He really didn't want him to go.

That morning, Rintarou drove Osamu to the airport, followed him to get his tickets and other things you need to do at an airport.

Where was Osamu going? Oh, to Italy for work purposes, that's all.

As it was nearing 7am, Osamu's plane was ready to go and passengers were allowed to board the plane.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

They kissed as the sun shone into the airport.

"Be careful"

"I will"

"Promise to marry me when you come back"

"I promise to marry you when I come back"

Rintarou chuckled and hugged Osamu before letting go for him to board his plane.

Little did he know, that would be the last time he ever got to see his soon to be husband.

While Osamu was in Italy, he bought a lot of souvenirs for his Rinny, took pictures and of course, finished business. Even bought a ring to properly propose, had a whole essay about Rintarou that he wanted to memorise so he could say it while he was proposing. But he wouldn't be able to do any of that would he?

Before Osamu went to Italy, he pre-made food for Rintarou, knowing he couldn't cook and would burn down the kitchen if he did.

On the first night of Rintarou being home alone, he wanted to cook himself a pack of the instant ramen packets that were in his cabinet, not knowing there was food he could just heat up in the refrigerator until he opened it to find eggs.

His eyes teared up as he looked at the food that was made, even had little sticky notes on it, reminding him to heat it up and eat properly.

He put the pack of ramen back and quickly heated up the food that was in a little container. He took a picture and sent it to Osamu, letting him know he was eating properly.

For the next few days, Rintarou would be waiting for Osamu to come back.

On the last day, he was excited. He planned out perfectly on what he would say and do when he saw Osamu.

First, he would pretend he was mad at Osamu for not bringing him on his business trip. Then, he would hug him, saying he missed him a lot. After that, he would demand all the cuddles and kisses. And, that night, they would finally be able to sleep together, on the same bed, in the comfort of their room.

Osamu too planned what he was going to do, from talking about all the great food in Italy, to the things he bought and how all the meetings went. He also planned to propose to Rintarou right before they slept, in front of their bed. He would kneel down, take out the box, and ask Rintarou to finally marry him, and the both of them would go to bed that night as an engaged couple.

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