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It was just another day of Osamu and Suna studying together for another upcoming quiz, a History one to be specific.

"Rin, can you borrow me your notes?"

"I'm worse at this than you are, don't YOU take notes?"

"No I don't?"

"Why not?"

"Well you make notes, and I could just borrow them from you-"

"What if I don't?"

"Nah, you will"

"Well you do have a point..."

Suna took out his notes from his bag and handed it to Osamu.

Suna's notes were tidy and something you would actually want to read. It wasn't boring with only pencil scribbles and highlighter colors that didn't even match. Pastel highlighters colored the page and made studying more fun.

"Lmao there's a corgi here"
Osamu pointed at the little corgi Suna drew on the bottom right of the page.

"I was bored, I mean, who enjoys history anyways"

"Well, I sure do enjoy it"

"Something is wrong with you..."

"Nope, I really enjoy it"

"Welp, that's that"

Osamu got out his text book and went through the whole chapter with Suna. It was boring. Very boring. Things that Suna didn't even need to know, knowledge that wouldn't be used anyways was all in there. He even fell asleep a few times.

"Rinnyyy, you can't keep falling asleep like that~"

"I don't even know how this is interesting to you..."

"It is what it is"

They continued for a bit, Suna made more notes to avoid sleeping. Osamu kept going on and on about the History of China.

At least it isn't about Japan again...
Suna thought to himself.

"Your notes are niceeee"

"They are?"

"Yesss, very very colorful. And your colors mix well and they are soft."

"Oh, thanks"

"Like, have you seen...wait, who was she again"

"The girl next to you?"

"Yeah yeah, THAT girl, wanna know what she did?"


"Ok, apparently, her notes are similar to yours, but the colors don't even match, and it hurts my eyes to just LOOK at them."

"Eh? How?"

"Let me ask you, does dark blue and dark red match?"

"Ew, definitely not."


"Oh god. I can't imagine how much that would hurt your eyes-"

"Well it's VERY disturbing. You can barely see what she wrote because of the highlighter colors..."

"That's why I like it light and keep it pastel to be honest"

"And i like it pastel~"

"Good for you then..."

Osamu helped with Suna's notes a bit and corrected some of the mistakes he made.
6:45pm {Suna's bedroom}

Osamu made some ramen with whatever he found inside Suna's kitchen and brought it up to his room. They ate and went through the notes together again.

"I should be ready for tomorrow..."

"You'll do fine Rin~"

"If I fuck up, my mom would ground me..."

"Chillll, you won't screw up to start with"

"Yeah yeah, help me again tomorrow morning when we reach school"


Suna slowly ate the warm noodles. Osamu just finished the whole bowl within 5 minutes and had to control himself from begging Suna to give him some. Suna realized Osamu just staring at his bowl and gave him some of his leftovers.

Suna and Osamu got ready for bed and fell asleep in the comfort of each other.

A short but hopefully cute chapter?

I have no motivation for writing anymore and my life goes downhill from there. Thank you all for staying for so long.

I hope you can take a few seconds of your precious time to vote for my stories, thank you very much.

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