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Remember to read the conclusion at the end if you get confused. Remember to vote too ^^


In his dreams, it wasn't always dark. She didn't ruin it. They didn't fight. He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't be distracted because of this.

In his dreams, it was sweet love and cuddles everyday.

But in reality, it was just a dream, it turned pitch black in the matter of seconds. She came into their lives and ruined it all. They always fought. He always cried. He would always be distracted and would suddenly cry nonstop.

In this cruel truth, everything became as sensitive as a thin piece of glass. One touch and it could all fall apart. Life was cruel, no one liked that, but still had to deal with it. No matter if it was a minor problem or a major one, you still have to deal with it.

Osamu and Suna had just started dating, things went downhill from there. Some of the girls thought it was a big waste that Osamu was gay. Some of them started hating on Suna too, which was pressuring for him.

In the first week of them dating, many things happened. Things from suna's pencil box started going missing. Then his lunchbox would be empty. Worst, his homework goes missing. Things don't stop there alright.

Second week. Some girl poured water on Suna while he came out of class. Someone pushed him and his head hit a bench edge. And then pages on his textbook would be torn off.

Third week. Someone pushed Suna off the stairs. His bag got thrown off the school building. If he didn't catch those girls, his phone would've been smashed into tiny pieces. Things started going overboard. Angry letters would turn up in his locker. Osamu caught him throw a whole bunch of paper once and got freaked out.

The hell was going on...

In the fourth week, a very big "slut" word was written on his desk. His volleyball shoes went missing. Kita was getting concerned at this point. Osamu knew something was wrong. Suna started getting more bruises lately. Yup, someone beat him up. His blocks were sloppy as his body hurt from all the bruises. He tried telling the teachers but nothing worked.

"If you ever tell Osamu about this, I'll make sure you're relationship goes, byebye."

Emiko Takahashi said as she tore Suna's Science notes in front of him. She hated Suna. Her together with the pathetic gang of hers would torture Suna and made sue they broke up quickly. She hated him. If it wasn't for Suna, she would've got together with Osamu instead.

She walked out of the empty classroom and slammed the door shut, heading to her next class. Suna was the only person left. He felt miserable. One good thing happens and everything goes downhill.

Why me...


Suna slacked off more in volleyball. He really didn't have the mood to play anymore. He looked dead 24/7.

It's been like this since their first week of dating. Osamu was getting really concerned. He tried talking to Suna, trying to get him to spill. Nothing would come out of his mouth except "I'm fine." Or "nothing is wrong." Then Suna would laugh it off. A forced one. He'd rather suffer all the pain than breaking up with Osamu.

Osamu was seldom able to eat lunch with Suna as he was the second year Vice President together with Atsumu, his twin, being the President. Between their 6th or 7th week of dating, Osamu caught someone dumping Suna's lunch into a rubbish bin.

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