Happy Valentine's

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It was Valentine's and Suna had a lot of gifts in his locker and on his classroom table.

There were a bunch of flowers and chocolates and letters on his table, probably more letters in his locker and paper bags after paper bags of gifts outside the locker.

"Damn Rin, that's a lot of gifts."
Osamu teased as the brunette sat down and put his bag next to his desk.

"Can tell, I'm not blind you know."
Rintarou sighed, wondering where he was doing to keep all these gifts.

"I saw a lot of gifts outside your locker too."
Osamu said.

Rintarou honestly didn't believe him, but he would see for himself later.

Rintarou was allergic to flower pollen and the flowers on his desks were honestly irritating him.

"Hey Rin, do you want me to throw these out? You look sick already"

"Yeah, don't wanna be rude but then again, if they really liked me, they should've known that I'm allergic to flowers. They're not confessing their "love" for me, they're trying to poison me."

Osamu only laughed and took away the flowers to throw them in the bin outside the classroom.


Osamu walked Rintarou home and stayed at his place that day, helping him hold most of the gifts he got till they got home. Osamu too got a few but he threw away all the letters and only kept the chocolates and biscuits he got.

Osamu got curious,
"Why did you keep the letters?"

"It's hilarious to read."

"Haha I see I see"

When they got back, Rintarou checked all his gifts and he had 2 boxes of chocolate pocket sticks, 4 boxes of strawberry flavored ones, 3 boxes of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, 2 onigiris from the school vending machine, 1 can of soda probably also from the school vending machine, 7 packets of milk biscuits and not even one jelly stick.

"Can I have the Pocky"
Osamu asked.

"Take whatever you want. I want the tuna onigiri tho, that's mine."

"Haha okay. Oh and Rin, I actually have a gift for you"

"You only remember now?"

"Yes, Happy Valentine's Day Rin"

Osamu gave Suna a paper bag and the brunette opened it on the spot. There was a Starbucks Flask, Starbucks gift card and a pack of jelly sticks. Not to forget a handwritten letter.

"Ooo, decent gifts."

"It's not much but I hope you like it. I realized you grab coffee from Starbucks every morning so I figured you should take your own flask, you know, cut down usage of plastic and save a few hundred yen? And jelly sticks because I know you love them"

"Aww, thank you sweetheart, speaking of which, I also have a gift for you."

"You do?"

"Yeah, hold on I need to heat it up in the microwave, I made it this morning and forgot to bring it to school for you"

Rintarou took out the food container and left it in the microwave for a while before taking it out and putting it on the table. It was a nice bento with katsu, rice and miso soup.

"If I'm being honest, I asked my mom to fry the Katsu for me because I didn't want to burn myself but I cooked the rest on my own."

"I didn't know you can cook"

"I can't. But since it's valentines, I wanted to try. It may not look or taste as good as yours but I swear I tried"

"Is that why you have so many cuts on your fingers?"
Osamu realized the few cuts and bandages on his boyfriend's slender fingers.

"Uhm. Geez this is embarrassing"
Rintarou did indeed hurt himself while chopping up the potatoes and carrots for the curry.

"Be more careful next time."

"I will. Now stop worrying about me and try it. I woke up very early to make it for you."

"Alright alright"

Osamu ate it and damn, it probably tasted ten times better to him because Rintarou cooked it.

"How is it?"
Rintarou asked, pretty nervous since this was his first time cooking something other than instant noodles.

"It's fucking delicious, you definitely need to cook for me more!"

"I feel like you're lying"

"Is there more"

"My parents ate it"

And yes, Osamu ate all of it and helped do the dishes.

I feel like some of you are curious about what Osamu wrote in the letter. Too bad because that's for you to imagine and for me to enjoy <3


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Happy Valentine's Day from Tiffany <3
Have a nice day.

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