Bathroom Sex

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We did Shower sex, so now we're going for public bathroom sex. Not too detailed but just enough to put everyone into horny jail.

Inarizaki just won the match at nationals and were proceeding off to the next round. Atsumu had spilled cold ice lemon tea on Suna, don't ask how. Suna headed off to the bathroom to rinse off and change since he smelt like the cold drink and it made his body sort of sticky thanks to the liquid.


Osamu knocked on Suna's bathroom stall where he was showering.

"'Samu? Is that you?"

Suna replied.

"Yeah, can you open the door?"

Suna found it weird but didn't mind and opened the door for Osamu to go in.

"I'm showering, what do you want?"

Osamu took off his sweaty jersey and stuffed it inside a plastic bag he had.

"Joining you"

"...You could've used another stall?"


"Pardon me. What."

"Can we?..."

"No. Osamu. We'd be dead if someone caught us."

"If you kept it down, no one would know."

"We both know I can't do that."

"Yes you can"

"No. Take your shower, I'm done."

"Who says you're leaving?"


Suna takes a towel and wraps it around himself, leaving the bathroom with his clothes to change in another stall.

"Give me my shampoo back when you're done"

Was all Suna said.

Osamu sighed and took a quick shower before packing up. Suna was already sitting on the chair that was provided in the bathroom waiting for him, but Osamu just wasn't leaving without what he wanted.

He took his lover's hand and went inside a bathroom stall again.

"Osamu I thought I said no, we can do it when we get back to the hotel"

Just then, the main door to the bathroom opened. They heard a few other volleyball players from other schools entered.

"Either keep it down or let the whole world know how loud you are."

Suna still smelt good from the shower he just took. They started with soft kisses while Osamu stroked Suna. It did feel good, doing it in public just aroused Suna even more. He would never admit it but he did like it. He felt his pants tightening and they both knew what was going on.

"Aww, hard already?"

"Says you"

Osamu pinned the brunette's hands above his head and used his other hand to mess around with his sensitive nipples. He was getting a bit wet already.

"Take it off"

Suna refers to his pants.

"Hm, no."

Osamu smirked.

Suna wasn't one to beg but,

"'Samu, this is the only clean shorts I have, we have another match later..."

"Deal with it"

"Fuck you"


Osamu took out a bottle of lube from Rintarou's backpack,

"If you didn't want to do this as much as I wanted to, you wouldn't have this in your bag."

"I d-didn't put it there..."

Suna looked away.

"Sure, lie all you want. Push me away if you want me to stop."

Suna nodded his head and sighed knowing there's no way out of this.

Osamu continued to stroke him through those shorts of his and made sure he was soaked before sliding his hands in.

"We both know you're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Osamu whispered, having a firm grip on the other's member, feeling all that pre-cum that soaked the other's underwear.

Suna was embarrassed out of his mind, he didn't want to continue but he loved it at the same time.

As you guessed, Osamu pounded Suna in the bathroom and they did not get caught, well sort of. Suna's shorts ended up getting dirty all over again and he had to wipe his own cum off of his volleyball jersey. Osamu borrowed Suna one of his clean shorts and they went back outside.

Atsumu smirked and Suna and his own brother who came back from the bathroom 30 minutes later. A shower and a change of clothes wouldn't take so long, would it?

"Ohoho, what's this, did Suna kun and my precious brother fuck in the bathroom? I think yes!"

"Shut up, if you didn't spill your fucking drink on me, this wouldn't have happened."

Suna was clearly pissed.

Atsumu was confused at why Suna was so angry, and he turned back to his brother.

"What's up with him?"

"I don't know, man period?"

Osamu shrugged.

"Hrm, I guess you have a point"

Atsumu shrugged back.

Aran just looked so done with their fuckery.

Okay that's enough smut for one day. I hope you enjoyed. Secrets will be put on hold but I'll feed ya'll another mafia au with mafia smut smut.

Anyways uhh face reveal for happy 70th chapter

Genuinely praying none of my classmates read my books

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Genuinely praying none of my classmates read my books

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