Pocky Sticks

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Suna came back with a box of strawberry flavoured pocky sticks he bought from the school vending machine. He opened the front door and went into the dorm room he and Osamu shared.

"I'm back..."

Suna said before going into his room.

He turned his laptop on and started typing his essay that he had to redo out while eating the pocky sticks. Suna had a weird habit, he liked to lick the strawberry cream off the biscuit before he decided to eat the whole thing.

Halfway through typing, Osamu came in.

"What are you doing? You've been in here since you came back, feeling alright?"

"Yeah, just redoing something"

Suna said, before turning over to face Osamu.

"Pocky sticks?"

"Yeah, want one?"


Suna was about to take another one out from the box, he turned over and Osamu bit some off of the one he was eating.


"Tastes good~"

Suna turned the other way and hid his face in the pillow, legs almost kicking his laptop off the bed.

"Well, see you out for dinner Rinny~"

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