The troubles of Parenting

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Let's give a warm welcome to Risako Miya, their lovely daughter.


The married couple overslept. Rintarou quickly rushed down the stairs to their daughter's room.

"Risako, wake-"

"Ma? Your alarm rang, but i turned it off for you and let you sleep"

Their daughter, Risako Miya, age 8, said as she combed her hair and tried brading it herself.

"Oh gosh, Risa, you HAVE to wake us up next time..."

"Sorry mom..."

"It's fine, dad will cook you breakfast later, then I'll fetch you to school"


It was a great relief their child was so independent and mature at such a young age. Rintarou rushed back up the stairs and threw a pillow at the sleeping Osamu.

"What the...Rin?"

"Wake up sleepy head, I'm fetching Risa to school today, and we're all going to be late if you don't wake up and go make breakfast"


"Mind your language, if I hear Risa saying that one day, I will, and I mean I will, give you a good slap on the face."

"Sorry sorry"

Osamu got up and gave Rintarou his usual good morning kiss. Osamu proceeded to the bathroom to shower and change into his usual business attire. Rintarou took his jersey and stuffed it inside his bag together with his kneepads and some bandages he might need if he sprained his fingers while blocking.

Osamu came out of the bathroom within 10 minutes and grabbed his wallet and phone, sprayed some perfume and went downstairs to make something for Rintarou and Risako.

He saw Risako on her phone at the dining table and a mess her hair was in.

"Did mom tie your hair?"

"Nope, i tied it myself"

"Oh gosh, I'll tie it for you again..."

"You should go cook first before mom murders you"

"Ehhhh, you're right"

He went to make some simple sandwiches for Risako and Rintarou for breakfast and placed it on the table. He then made a bento for Risako's lunch.

I'll just bring lunch for Rinny later...


7:20am {Osamu and Rintarou's bungalow}

Rintarou rushed down the stairs and placed his gym bag he usually brang to his volleyball practices on the floor next to his dining chair.

"Risa, your comb"

Risako handed the comb to Suna as he quickly braided her hair again.

"Ok, better"

"Ma, I'm going to be late..."

Suna checked his watch and they had 40 minutes till Risako's school would start their first lesson of the day.

"Shi-SHOOT, yeah shoot"

Rule one for this household, no swearing in front of the child.

Suna just stuffed the bread into his mouth and put the plate behind.

"Chop chop, we're late"

Suna said as he placed the late behind and went to take the house keys, getting ready to leave.

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