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Imagine getting blamed for stealing all the lunch money, but it wasn't you. But, your friend's mom works for the lab and is good at forensic science.

Ikehara Miki was that random bitch in class and loved to bitch around, unfortunately this week, she was the one who was supposed to get everyone's lunch money this week and give it to the home room teacher by the end of the day.

Would she take up any chance to sabotage Osamu and Suna's relationship? Yes. Literally any chance.

Suna didn't like school lunch and neither did Osamu so Osamu would usually cook for Suna or they would get snacks on the way from school.

"Ehh the lunch money is gone"
Miki yelled to the whole class.

"Did you lose it?"
One of the students near her asked.

Osamu and Suna just ignored the whole situation and continued eating their homemade bentos. Well Suna did want to ignore it but a bitch just gotta ruin everything.

"Rintarou probably took it, he's so sketchy all the time"
Miki blamed.

Rintarou rolled his eyes,
"Don't turn a you problem into a me problem."
And he continued eating.

"Sure sure, check your bag"
Miki had this shit eating grin on her face and Osamu felt like something was very wrong.

Suna opened his bag and there was indeed a white envelope there where he guessed the money was in.

"Give me your handkerchief."
Suna demanded from Osamu.

Osamu gave him the handkerchief and Suna picked it up with it to avoid contact with the envelope.

"See! I knew he took it!"
Miki was pretty satisfied, well not for long.

"Did you really steal?"
Osamu didn't look mad, he was kind of curious.

"No? What do I even need it for?"
Suna shrugged and threw the envelope on his desk with a loud thud as it landed.

"I don't know, drugs perhaps?"
Miki crossed her arms and looked at Rintarou as the whole class gasped.

Dramatic, I know. Keep imagining it in your head, I promise it only gets hotter.

Suna have a slight giggle,
"You're really amusing, you know?"

Osamu sighed and used a dusting technique and found a few fingerprints. He just knew for a fact Suna couldn't have stolen the money, he was clinging to Osamu for the entire day, there was no way he did it. The whole class just watched what Osamu was doing, it was kind of interesting.

Suna just sat down and waited for his smart boyfriend to do the job.

Osamu got a few fingerprints from the dusting and collected it with tape.

"Do you have any plain A4 sized paper or something?"
Osamu asked with the tape in hand.

Suna quickly took one of his files with a whole bunch of draft paper and handed one to Osamu. He stuck the tape to the paper and took Suna's hand, collecting fingerprints with tape and then dusting it to make it more clearer.

"As you can see, none of them look the same. Not even close. In conclusion, this was planned. And I'm suspecting Miki."
Osamu raised the paper with fingerprints again, allowing the whole class to see it.

Suna just shrugged and continued to drink his tea that Osamu prepared.

The whole class gasped again and looked at Miki.

"Wh-what? It's not me! Why w-would I do that?"
She got nervous and it was kind of obvious that she planned this whole thing anyways.

"Whatever. Either confess now or we're all going to know sooner or later."
Osamu was really pissed that someone would blame Rintarou for stupid things like this.

"I didn't do it!"

Okay walked up to her and took two samples of both her left and right thumb and compared the finger prints.

And it matched.

And that's the story on how Miki finally learnt to shut the fuck up and stop sabotaging Osamu and Suna's wholesome relationship. The end. Don't even ask how I came up with this, I thought it was hot.


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