Stapler Bullet

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Suna yelled from his study room.

Osamu dropped the spatula and ran up the stairs to the study where Suna was at.

"What happened?!"

Suna bit his lip and didn't know if he was supposed to be laughing or crying. He silently showed Osamu his thumb and left him speechless.

"I do not know, what to do."

Suna said.

"How...How the hell did this happen."

"I don't know. The bullet was stuck inside, and i tried to get it out-"

"Oh god"

Osamu gently held Suna's hand and went downstairs to the living room couch, he took the first aid kit and gently tried to pull the bullet out.

"Damn it..."

"It hurts?"

"Yes. A lot."

Suna was near to crying but he didn't. He used his other hand and pinched his thigh, trying to distract himself from the pain of his thumb.

"Almost out..."

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow it does not hurt it does not hurt it does not hurt. OW OK IT HURTS FUCK FUCK FUCK"



"More painful than the time you had a glass piece in your foot?"


Based on a true story.

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