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"'Samu I need to go out again"
Suna grabbed his phone and a small amount of cash together with his car keys, getting ready to leave the house.

It was their wedding anniversary, 5th anniversary of being married. Osamu thought it was some kind of joke Suna was pulling off, but if it was, it has already gone too far. First Suna went out early for a match between another division 1 team. Then he came home late and now he's out the door again. He looked as if he totally forgot what day it was, acting like it was just a normal day.

"Sometimes, I wish you never wanted to go pro."
Osamu mumbled and kept his eyes on the Tv screen.

Suna barely heard anything and he was rushing out, his team was celebrating without him already and he was running late.

"Nothing, just go."
Osamu was pissed. Usually he would forget but he really didn't expect Suna to seriously forget such a big date.

"Are you okay? If you don't want me to go, I'll stay"

"It's fine, enjoy the night with your teammates, call me if something happens alright?"

"Ok, love you"

"Love you more"

Suna gently closed the door and left, something did feel wrong. His instincts were 8/10 of the time right but he ignored it this time. Osamu took a deep breath and just let it go. 'It's just a wedding anniversary, nothing special.'

It made Osamu kind of sad. He had their dinner cooked already and had his gifts for Suna. He set the table just in case Suna actually remembered and all of this could've just been a stupid prank. He waited, waited for a bit more. 1 hours, 2 hours...

Yeah, Suna definitely forgot. He left the gift and food on the table, having no mood to eat at all. He changed into pajamas and got ready to sleep.

Suna forgot. After he finished drinking and having fun with his teammates, he went home and he saw the dinner and a paper bag with gifts in it.

'What's the occasion?...wait. Fuck.'

Suna went inside their shared bedroom to see Osamu still on his phone, settling down and replying to messages before he went to sleep.

"Samu I'm sorry"
Suna went over and gave his husband a hug. He really didn't mean to forget.

"It's okay, it's just a wedding anniversary anyways, it's not like I don't see you everyday"

"Oi, don't say that, it's special to me and you"

"It couldn't be that special if you forgot"

"I'm sorry 'Samu, I didn't mean to"

"Eh, you were the one who promised no matter how busy you got, you wouldn't forget"



It was silence after that, Suna had a million thoughts running through his own mind, he was stupid to forget. Really stupid mistake that could've cost their whole marriage. 'Just a wedding anniversary?...'

"Hey, since you already cooked, we still have 15 minutes till midnight anyways, I still want to eat"
Suna suggested, he did want to make up for his mistake anyways


Rintarou nodded and Osamu just gave a soft smile. He still was kind of hurt that Suna would forget but he shrugged it off.

The food was reheated and they still ate their dinner together, Suna opened his gift and continued feeling guilty that he didn't get Osamu anything at all. But in the end it all worked out.

After their very late dinner, they both took a shower together and cuddled to sleep with Suna still feeling very guilty.

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Personal acc: tiffxny.dior
Osasuna writing acc: osasuna.shots
Sakuatsu writing acc: sakuatsu.shots

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