Skincare Night

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Finally, weekends, please we all love them don't we. Rintarou was once again, procrastinating and not doing the stupid workout thing the Raijin's volleyball coach told them to do throughout the weekends.

Fuck those stupid workout things

Rintarou continued to lay on the couch. He scrolled and scrolled and scrolled through Instagram and could tell Atsumu was having fun being treated like a princess. Atsumu posted something just a few minutes ago of the face masks and skincare products Sakusa was going to pamper him with over the weekends, even captioned "Being pampered".

Rintarou got jealous and commented "Lucky you, Osamu probs wouldn't waste time on that shit" before he threw his phone to the ground, then grabbing one of the pillows nearby and screaming into it.

A startled Osamu who was getting breakfast ready for the both of them immediately came out to check if his husband was okay.

"Rin? You okay?"

He fast walked to the couch where Rintarou was and saw his phone on the ground, and him still screaming-

Osamu picked up the phone and patted Rintarou on the back.

"RinRin, are you okay?-"

Rintarou only gave Osamu his death stare, grabbed his phone and stormed back into the room they shared, purposefully stomping on the stairs before slamming the room door.


Osamu returned to the kitchen to cook breakfast and thought it was just Rintarou's crazy mood swings.

About 20 minutes later, Osamu brought breakfast up to their room for his Rinny to have breakfast in bed since he wouldn't even go downstairs for it. Rintarou continued to be mad at him, expecting him to see his brother's post at some point and realize Rintarou wanted to do that too.

Osamu was still, a clueless fuck.

On Sunday, Rintarou continued to be angry at Osamu. And so did he on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and on Thursday. Yes yes our dense Osamu stops being dense and stupid on Thursday, when he was at work.

At that time, he was coincidentally scrolling through Instagram. A lightbulb lit up when he saw what his twin had posted a few days ago and some viral couple skincare videos on Instagram reels.


So, on Friday, he finally got off of work early just to get some of the best face masks and skin care products for Rintarou, he had all the goods and returned home knowing he spent a huge amount of money. He got back home and of course, Rintarou was still angry. He hid the goods inside his closet and made sure Rintarou wouldn't get his hands on the surprise.

He went back to the living room and kissed Rintarou's cheek, only for him to push Osamu away.


"Go away"

"Rintarou if you keep behaving like that, I'll reconsider my plans for tonight"


Rintarou looked back at Osamu, curious.

"You'll know later. You better stop with that attitude of yours"

Rintarou rolled his eyes as he clicked his tongue. Osamu sighed and went to make dinner for the both of them.

By the time they had finished dinner, Rintarou agreed to do the dishes while Osamu found some wine and two wine glasses together with some scented candles, he quickly got the things and ran upstairs to the second level of their penthouse without the brunet realising it. He got a warm bath ready for him, lighting some candles and left them in the bathroom, he connected his phone to his bluetooth speaker and let soothing jazz play in the background.

Osamu got out the masks which includes some for moisturizing, clear skin, brightening, exfoliating, hydration and quite a few more. There were lip gel masks to keep his Rinny's lips soft and hydrated and some eye gel masks for reducing his eye puffiness and dark circles. He prayed and hoped this was what Rintarou wanted.

Rintarou could hear the relaxing music play from upstairs.

So fancy? For what?

Curious, he walked up the stairs and opened the two modern doors to their bedroom. Osamu came out of the bathroom and awkwardly smiled at Rintarou who walked in on the surprise.

"And you finally realize"

"It was just a lucky guess- You liked Atsumu's post didn't ya"


Osamu led Rintarou to the bathroom where the jacuzzi was turned on, bubbles were forming as the water jet was activated. Rintarou took off his clothes and left them on the sink counter, he climbed into the jacuzzi and sat down, relaxing, the candles making the whole scene more romantic and, not to say, dramatic.

"Hand me my phone please?"

Osamu fulfilled his request and gave it to him before helping Rintarou wash his hair, massaging his scalp and wash him off like the little prince he is.

Rintarou just scrolled on his phone, taking photos at some point and definitely flexing.

After rinsing off, Osamu got one of the silk bathrobes they owned and helped Suna wear it, then leading him out of the room.

"Now, for the real fun"

Osamu smiled as he pointed at the few face masks on the bed side table.

"Who would've thought you knew my favourite brands for face masks"

Rintarou chuckled, pointing at a Sephora one for face moisturizing.

"Saw you use them on a daily basis so I guessed"

Osamu said softly, helping him lay down.

Osamu kissed Rintarou's forehead, opened the little packet containing the face mask and gently put it on his face, soothing it out. The face mask was supposed to be left to do its magic for 30 minutes, while waiting, Osamu got the bottle of coconut oil and gently started massaging him. Oh to be Rin :)

The rest of the night was full of relaxation for Rintarou while Osamu did all the work. Rintarou felt satisfied.

He took some pictures of Osamu massaging his leg and posted them on his feed. Yes he did get the attention he wanted online and from Osamu. Very satisfied indeed.

"Thanks 'samu"

"Anything for you Rinny"

Osamu was surprisingly good at massaging :3 After the mask, he gently massaged Rintarou's face, then gave him a full body massage.

Rintarou rewarded Osamu with breakfast in bed the next day <33 maybe sex too?



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